Abstract:Despite our exposure to advergames, and studies about their effects, we know very little about the other side of the coin, i.e., advergames developers. In this paper, we report on a study of advergames development companies in the Netherlands. After deriving statements concerning the advergames market through three interviews, we cross-validate these statements with eight companies. Several statements are statistically significant, including the following: advergames are increasingly be
Mots-clés : Customer loyalty, Netherlands, Advergames development companies, Technological platforms, Social media components, Advertising companies
An introduction to the exciting world of Serious Games The month of November IUM recently played host to none other than renowned researcher and consultant Dr. Julian Alvarez who was presenting a lecture to students on Serious Games and Game Technologies. He talked to students of the course Fundamentals of communication and advertising which is overseen by Professor MN. Jauffret-Cervetti. He mesmerized the students with the technology behind Advergames, Edumarket games and
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Communication, Advergames, Gamification, Edumarket games, Conference
Abstract:A critical incident at any institution may include bomb threats, assault, bio-hazardous spills, civil disobedience, electrical outage, fire or explosion, gas leak, natural disasters, infectious diseases, and terrorist threats. Although many employees know of this type of situation, most are not properly trained with respect to how to react when a critical incident occurs, nor do they understand lockdown procedures. Serious games refer to video games that are used for training, advertisi
The "Serious Games" field raises a specific need. People without professional game design skills, such as teachers, corporate trainers, therapists and advertising professionals, request tools that could allow them to create or modify such games. This article will analyze "Gaming 2.0" examples in order to identify tools that could help fulfill this need. Indeed, "Gaming 2.0" is a way for players to create videogame content without skills from the entertainment videog
Mots-clés : gaming 2.0, serious games, game design, level design, player-generated content
ABSTRACT: Video games have become a prime choice of entertainment not only for young people but also in adults or women. Development Studies advertisers and organizations that mediate between them have discovered the potential of videogames as a medium for marketing communication. Thus, the advergame and the in-game advertising have become a powerful and dynamic medium for communicating ideas, products, services or items in an original manner, which also offers video game development studios an
Mots-clés : Publicité, Advergame, In-game advertising, Placement de produits, Jeux vidéo
L'objectif de cet article est de restituer le processus de développement et de mise en place d'un projet appelé "Technocity" qui vise à développer des cours technologiques de l'Éducation nationale française auprès des jeunes de 15 à 18 ans, avec une attention toute particulière pour les filles. Nous développons un gameplay pour construire de nouveaux outils d'orientation scolaire. Nous choisissons de créer une
Mots-clés : Orientation scolaire, Outils publicitaires, Publicité, Education, Edumarket game, Innovation, Marketing, Réception
The objective of this paper is to restore the process of development and installation of a project called "Technocity" which aims to develop technology courses of French State Education among the young people from 15 to 18 years old, with a very special care for the girls. We develop a gameplay to build a new school guidance tools. We choose to create a dynamic approach with video game and shortly report on different technical job. After, we explore the impact and the reception of this
Mots-clés : serious game, Advertising tools, Advertainment, Education, Edumarket game, Innovation, Marketing, Reception
Technocity est un serious game lancé en Mars 2006, sous la forme d’un cédérom dupliqué à 1000 exemplaires et diffusé gratuitement dans les 600 collèges, lycées et centres d’orientation de la région Midi-Pyrénées. La vocation de Technocity est de participer à la valorisation des filières technologiques de l’Education Nationale auprès des jeunes de 15 à 18 ans. &n
Mots-clés : serious game