Most Game Design books tend to illustrate their ideas with some "case studies" coming from industry professionals. This books pushes this idea to the extreme: its 470 pages are solely dedicated to interviews with video game industry professionals. Over 200 professionals are interviewed, mostly American ones, ranging from unknown people to celebrities like Richard Garriott, David Perry, Sid Meier and Peter Molyneux. The advices and tips they give are both insightful and inspiring, and gathered into several topics: the various game genres, level design, game programming, game art, game sound, testing techniques, where to study, how to find a job in the industry or how to self-distribute titles using Shareware principles, etc. Besides the captivating advices, we appreciate how the book also provide us with short biographical notes of all the interviewees. It's an unique book with very interesting contents, thus it's warmly recommended to students and skilled professionals.