
Utilisation de plateformes génériques de mesure analytique pour l'évaluation de Serious Games : une expérimentation Damien Djaouti - 2014


Support : Publications
Author(s) : Damien Djaouti
Editor : Revue STICEF, Volume 21
Date : 2014
Lang : Lang


User tracking is one of the keys to evaluate the effectiveness of Serious Games. Two main approaches are available to perform such user tracking: the first one is to insert the Serious Game inside a LMS through SCORM or IMS-LD, while the second one is to build a custom analysis tool for each Serious Game. In this article, we introduce a third approach to track Serious Games users: the use of generic metrics & analytics platforms. This article presents an experiment where two Serious Games have been assessed using two of these platforms: Google Analytics and Playtomic. We will first detail the context of this project, before analysing the data that has been collected. Thanks to the results of this experiment, we will then start a discussion about the advantages and the limits of these generic metrics & analytics platforms for Serious Games assessment, compared to the two others available approaches.

Keywords : serious games, assessment, user tracking, google analytics, playtomic, ecology