
Create Newsgames to develop the critical thinking of engineering students? Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez - 2013


Support : Publications
Author(s) : Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez
Editor : Colloque scientifique "Jouer à toutes fins utiles", e-virtuoses 2013, Valenciennes, 4-5 juin
Date : 2013
Lang : Lang


Since 2005, we have been providing courses on video game design to students from several university courses and training centers (INSA and several departments of the University of Toulouse, France). The educational objective is to get learners to design and carry out small video game projects with a message. The themes are oriented for example on awareness of food hygiene, or the discovery of industrial or engineering professions. From 2010, we are focusing on the creation of Newsgames with engineering students from different fields: computer engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, civil aviation, meteorology.

Keywords : newsgames, critical thinking, project-based learning, Serious game