
Les Serious Games, leurs évaluations, leurs impacts Valérie Maffiolo et Julian Alvarez - 2009


Support : Conférences
Author(s) : Valérie Maffiolo et Julian Alvarez
Editor : e-virtuoses
Date : 2009
Lang : Lang


Presentation of a study conducted from June 9, 2008 to September 8, 2009 at Orange Labs / France Telecom.
The aim is to assess the impact of Serious Games (SG) on the general public and on France Telecom Group employees. The overall approach is written within the framework of customer relations (CR). The main challenges are to 
- help optimize customer relations management 
- To address new customers with a disruptive interaction. 
The study concerns 121 people who were subjected to a corpus of 11 Serious Games during the summer of 2009. The data presented focus in particular on the notion of impact.

    Orange has created a platform open to all Internet users to discover three serial games. The aim was to raise players' awareness of certain issues, while at the same time promoting Orange's business. Since then, the platform has remained in operation, enabling Internet users to test and rate the serious games presented:

    > Hutnet Island: raising awareness of paper consumption (sustainable development)

    > Mind'up: learning about telecoms

    > Flee the Skip: raising awareness of solidarity and disability (diversity)

    ProducerORANGE LAB

    SpeakersValérie MAFFIOLO (Orange Lab)

    Julian ALVAREZ


Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, Impact, Message