
Attractiveness, training, integration, loyalty: is integrating gaming into business a key issue or a major risk? Sybille Labrosse / Julian Alvarez - 2023


Support : Médias
Author(s) : Sybille Labrosse / Julian Alvarez
Editor : Co & Sens
Date : 2023
Lang : Lang


In a tense job market, where almost all sectors are struggling to recruit, and candidates are spoilt for choice, companies are looking for ways to stand out from the crowd... they are vying for originality, and some are no longer hesitating to invite games onto their premises: escape games for recruitment, serious games for career development... between those who praise the approach and those who speak of infantilization, the feedback seems mixed: so, integrating games into companies: a really good idea, or too big a risk?
To gain a better understanding of the subject and what's at stake, we met up with an expert on the subject: Julian ALVAREZ, research professor at the universities of Lille (INSPE / CRISTAL) and Valenciennes (UPHF/LARSH), and head of R&D in edutainment at Immersive Factory, to find out more about the term “gamification” and share his views and advice. 

Keywords : Company, Human Resources, Serious game