
Correspondances et contrastes entre jeux traditionnels et jeux numériques Delphine Buzy-Christmann, Laurent Di Filippo, Stéphane Goria et Pauline Thévenot - 2016


Support : Références scientifiques
Author(s) : Delphine Buzy-Christmann, Laurent Di Filippo, Stéphane Goria et Pauline Thévenot
Editor : Sciences du jeu, 4 | 5 | 2016 : Jeux traditionnels et jeux numériques : filiations, croisements, recompositions
Date : 2016
Lang : Lang


Progressively, a kind of paradox is created through the scientific literature related to the game and play fields. The number of works dedicated only to video games conceals gradually the works dedicated to traditional games, although there are always strong links between those two kinds of games. It seems thus clear that a mutual lighting should make us wonder about the singularity or complementarities of the two areas. We propose to look at some of these existing links and contrasts between traditional and digital games. To this end, the introduction to this issue ofSciences du jeu will show a variety of research questions surrounding these phenomena. We will show how the articles help to address some open questions and offer contemporary perspectives for the analysis of games of all categories.


References (1):


ALVAREZ J. & DJAOUTI D. (2012), Introduction au Serious Game, Paris, Questions Théoriques.

Keywords : video game, tabletop game, board game, Serious games, Gameplay, Play, e-sport