
Digital Game Features and Play Contexts Daphné Bavelier, Lori M. Takeuchi - 2016


Support : Références scientifiques
Author(s) : Daphné Bavelier, Lori M. Takeuchi
Editor : in Child Psychology: A Handbook of Contemporary Issues publié par Lawrence Balter, Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda
Date : 2016
Lang : Lang


Digital games are everywhere. Once just a fixture in family living rooms, they're now being 
played in almost every setting imaginable—in schools, at the workplace, restaurants, in the 
backseats of cars, and on subway platforms—and by individuals of all ages, from ...
References (1) :
Djaouti, D., Alvarez, J., Jessel, J., Rampnoux, O., Origins of Serious Games. In Ma, M., Oikonomou, A., Jain, L. (eds.), Serious Games and Edutainment Applications. Springer-Verlag, London (2011) 25-44.