Welcome to the Ludoscience Blog!Ludoscience | 01-16-2012 | 09:16
In order to celebrate the third birthday of this website, we decided to upgrade it up with some nice features:
- This blog. After nearly three years of being a depot for our research articles and our students projets , this website is now featuring a brand new blog! We will try to use it to provide information relative to the study of videogames, Serious Games and to keep up informed about the life in our laboratory.
- A new "Our Projects" section. The old one weren't updated since the opening of the website, despite the fact that we had many project in the last three years. The old website section was too complicated to update, so we hope this new section will allow us to present our research project on a more regular basis.
- Some content upgrade. In the past few weeks, we started to had all the content that were waiting to get uploaded on this website: our last articles, the students projets from this year... We will keep on adding content to this website during the next weeks.
We hope you will enjoy this upgraded website, and we hope to see you soon on this blog!
Category : Misc.,