Le "data mining", ou "fouille de données" en bon français, est la science qui consiste a traiter de grandes quantités de données afin d'obtenir des résultats amenant de nouvelles connaissances, comme par exemple la déduction des habitudes de consommateurs à travers le suivi de leurs cartes de fidélité. Nous avons récemment été contactés par un étudiant en informatique, Axel RB, q
Mots-clés : data mining, game classification, recherche, informatique, jeux vidéo
CALL FOR PAPERS for a Special Issue of the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL) on Learning Analytics in Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments and CoursesThere has been much interest of late in ‘big data’ and the role it can play in decision making in diverse areas of business, science and entertainment. By employing a combination of modern artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistics techniques, extremely large and complex data sets can be ‘mined&
Mots-clés : appel à communication, revue
1 Introduction As one of the fastest growing segments of the global entertainment market (Szalai, 2007), video games have come to represent a wide spectrum of values in terms of expectations and design decisions of the groups involved in their development and publication. Despite a rapidly expanding market, changing demographics and growing global economic importance, regional differences in game designs have yet to be fully explored. The underlying premise of this research is that game com
Mots-clés : Video games, Genre, Game components