
MuseUs: Case study of a pervasive cultural heritage serious game Tanguy Coenen, Lien Mostmans, Kris Naessens - 2013


Support : Références scientifiques
Auteur(s) : Tanguy Coenen, Lien Mostmans, Kris Naessens
Editeur : Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) - Special issue on serious games for cultural heritage JOCCH Homepage archive Volume 6 Issue 2, May 2013
Date : 2013
Langue : Langue


This article describes a case study on MuseUs, a pervasive serious game for use in museums, running as a smartphone app. During the museum visit, players are invited to create their own exposition and are guided by the application in doing so. The aim is to provide a learning effect during a visit to a museum exhibition. Central to the MuseUs experience is that it does not necessitate a predefined path trough the museum and that it does not draw the attention away from the exposition itself. Also, the application stimulates the visitor to look at cultural heritage elements in a different way, permitting the construction of personal narratives while creating a personal exposition. Using a methodology derived from action research, we present recommendations for the design of similar applications and conclude by proposing a high-level architecture for pervasive serious games applied to cultural heritage.
Références (1) :
Damien Djaouti , Julian Alvarez , Olivier Rampnoux , Vincent Charvillat , Jean-Pierre Jessel, Serious Games & Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of Prehistoric Caves, Proceedings of the 2009 15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, p.221-226, September 09-12, 2009  [doi>10.1109/VSMM.2009.40] 

Mots-clés : Serious Game, Musée, Smartphone, Cultural Heritage (Héritage culturel)