=====================Résumé de la présentation=====================Selon la BNF, depuis 2014, le Ministère de la Culture tient à ce que nous privilégions le vocable « jeu sérieux » à la place de « Serious Game ». Il convient cependant de souligner qu’une telle traduction introduit une subtilité. En effet, dans la langue française, la notion de « jeu »
Keywords : Serious game
Cette présentation expose à un public génraliste un petit résumé de l'histoire des Serious Games. Programme de la journée : Cette nouvelle forme de communication et d’apprentissage, issue des jeux vidéo, se retrouve peu à peu dans tous les domaines de notre vie, de l’école au travail, en passant par notre santé ou notre citoyenneté. D’où viennent-ils, quels sont leurs usages, comment l
Keywords : Serious Game, History
Since 2005, we have been providing courses on video game design to students from several university courses and training centers (INSA and several departments of the University of Toulouse, France). The educational objective is to get learners to design and carry out small video game projects with a message. The themes are oriented for example on awareness of food hygiene, or the discovery of industrial or engineering professions. From 2010, we are focusing on the creation of Newsgames with engi
Keywords : newsgames, critical thinking, project-based learning, Serious game
In a video game design teaching course, we chose to replace the creation of entertainment videogames by the creation of Newsgames (i.e. Serious Games about news topics). Thanks to this change, our course seems to be able to enhance the critical thinking skills of students while still teaching them how to design videogames. For example, several students designed different videogames about the same news topic. This project required them to exchange their own opinions and discuss about the news top
Keywords : newsgame, design, project based learning, Serious game
In the past few years, we have been relying on Newsgames to teach our students the basics of Serious Game Design. Newsgames are a good way to motivate students. First, anyone can have something to say about what is going on in the world. But Newsgames are also small and short games that can be created in very limited time and with very limited skills. Most of out students are not skilled at all in programming, graphics or even game design. But by using tools such as The Games Factory 2, t
Keywords : newsgames, students projects
A Serious Game about the famous "Wikileaks" website. You are playing as Julian Assange, and must inflitrate US agencies in order to steal some secret information. If you manage to escape alive, will you reveal all the secrets that you discovered?
Keywords : serious game, newsgames, wikileaks, politics, press