This first of January 2017 was the occasion for Ludoscience to test the Playstation VR. Here's a look back at our observations and experiences with various titles associated with this technology. First of all, we tested the “Playstation VR Worlds” compilation and in particular the title: “Ocean Descent”, which invites us to visit the ocean depths. Protected by a cage, you descend little by little into the depths, contemplating the aquatic landscapes. Right from
Keywords : Video game, Virtual Reality, Playstation VR, Helmet, VR Helmet, Vertigo, Motion Sickness, Nausea
En 2002, l’armée US propose America’s Army, un Serious Game qui correspondrait aujourd’hui à un “Call of Duty" ou “Battlefield”. Sauf que… America’s Army est diffusé gratuitement sur Internet, et téléchargé sans surprise par plusieurs millions de joueurs dans le monde !
Keywords : Serious game, Serious Gaming, Serious Diverting, Serious Modding, Level design, Game design
Special session about serious gaming during the 6th Global Conference: Video Games Culture Project, from Thursday, 17th July to Saturday, 19th July 2014, Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom. Key words: serious games, serious gaming, education, projects with students, level design, case studies SimCity in geography lessons, Civilisation V for non-violence education, Read Dead Redemption as a means of addressing the history of the Far West… These
Keywords : Call for papers, Serious Gaming, Serious Game, education, projects with students, level design, case studies, Modding
A presentation about several Game Design theories, aimed to help you understand why people plays games. It introduces the ideas of emergence vs progression (Jesper Juul), the concept of Flow (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) and the theory of Fun (Raph Koster). -= Presentation slides (in french) =- (Flash file - click inside the left or right side of the window to browse through the slides) Download the game Frog Hunt (1.7mo)
Keywords : game design, theory, fun, flow, level design
Despite the growing interest in interactive storytelling techniques, their actual applications to traditional gameplay design remain to be investigated. However, many game designers have expressed concerns about the incorporation of such generative techniques in traditional game titles, mainly because of the lack of control they will have over dynamically generated content. This paper proposes an authoring tool allowing game designers to formalize, visualize, modify, and validate game level solu
Keywords : Cultural Heritage , Serious Game, Game Level Design, Gameplay
This study examines the various market segments of Serious Gaming based on detailed case studies and a systematic presentation of the corresponding technologies, practices and know-how, while emphasising on the key stages of the design, development and dissemination phases. It also provides technology and business prospects for each market segment. Serious Gaming (SG) is at the crossroads of several disciplines: e-learning, computing, engineering, virtual world d
Keywords : Serious Game, Market, Evolution, Health, Defence, Education, Study, Training
Through a book of over 500 pages, game designer Scott Rogers shares his professional experience of creating videogames. This industry veteran has worked on games such as God of War, Darksiders and the Maximo series, among others. This book deals with the various steps and key-points of the game design process: ideas, scenario, writing a Game Design Document, characters, camera, controls, user interface, level design, game mechanics, enemies... The main strength of this book lies in the way the a
Keywords : game design, example, game design document, maximo, drawing
The "Serious Games" field raises a specific need. People without professional game design skills, such as teachers, corporate trainers, therapists and advertising professionals, request tools that could allow them to create or modify such games. This article will analyze "Gaming 2.0" examples in order to identify tools that could help fulfill this need. Indeed, "Gaming 2.0" is a way for players to create videogame content without skills from the entertainment videog
Keywords : gaming 2.0, serious games, game design, level design, player-generated content
This book is dedicated to level design, i.e. the design of levels, maps and other "playing spaces" for video games. Written as an introductory book, it first details the basis of level design, before discussing how it can be used to "embody" the mechanisms defined by game rules, to tell a story, or even to spark off emotions in player's mind. An interesting book for beginners discovering this topic.
Keywords : level design, introduction
This article offers an overview of the various approaches used by the video game industry throughout its history to encourage and facilitate the creation of video games by players.Referring to a structural model of the video game as an artifact, we will study four approaches aimed at facilitating and encouraging enthusiasts to create or modify their own games: configuration menus, level editors, mods and game factories.The aim of this article is to highlight the complementarity of these differen
Keywords : Video game, Creation, Tools, Level design, Game design