The aim of this paper is to present a lexicometric study identifying, between 1980 and 2019, the number of occurrences of the following 4 keywords: “joueuse”, “joueuses”, “joueur” and “joueurs” that can be identified in the French-language videogame press. In concrete terms, the corpus explored represents a set of 1,075 documents, the main titles of which are shown in Table 1. Statistical processing was carried out to check the validity of the data
Keywords : Female player, Male player, Female gamer, Male player, Gender stereotype, Video games press, Representation, Video game
ISSN-L (papier) : 1622-1494 · ISSN (électronique) : 2111-434XArticle pp.213-248 du Vol.17 n°1-2 (2021) TitleEvolution and influences of the key-words “gameplay”, “ludic” and “fun” in the writings produced by English-speaking and French-speaking journalist’s communities related to video games between 1977 and 2019 AbstractThis paper aims to study whether the community of English-speaking journalist
Urban legend has it that the word "gameplay" comes from the notices found on the first arcade machines... What do you think? In this new episode, Dr. Ludus explores the origins of the word "gameplay". Find out more about the origin of "gameplay": Credits : Graphic and sound design: Quentin Alvarez Assembly: Quentin Alvarez Scenario : Julian Alvarez Production: Ludoscience - 2022 They're talkin
Keywords : Gameplay, Game play, Origin, Urban legend
(Broacasting our studies)
What is a video game? In this new episode of Dr. Ludus, we discover a strange exchange between Socrates and Mario to define what a video game is... Cet épisode est l'occasion de (re)découvrir l'ouvrage de Mathieu Triclot "Philosophie des jeux vidéo". Credits : Graphic and sound design: Quentin Alvarez Assembly: Quentin Alvarez Scenario : Julian Alvarez Production: Ludoscience - 2020 They're talking a
Keywords : Video game, Philosophy
This article deals with serious game design methods. More specifically, it focuses on the following question: is there any universal series of steps to design a serious game? Or is the availability of several different design methods unavoidable? To try to answer this question, we will study a corpus of ten design methods suited to Serious Games. Most of these theoretical tools are coming from or aimed to industry professionals. This literary review will allow us to perform a comparative
Keywords : game design, serious game, methodology, generic model
00:00:00 / 01:25:12 VidéoSonVoir aussi Se Summary: How can games - and video games in particular - become learning tools? Is a game that abandons frivolity to become a serious game - a contradiction for some - still a game? Does gamification really mean offering a playful experience? The meeti
Keywords : Serious game, Edutainment, Ludopedagogy, Video game, Gamification
Retrogaming can refer to both video games as devices (cartridges, devices, etc.) which are more than 10 years old, and the activity which consists of playing with them. Retrogaming thus brings together enthusiasts, nostalgic people, collectors, computer scientists, artists, journalists, YouTubers, teachers, researchers, etc. These different actors often meet in communities, associations, events dedicated to retrogaming to play, but also to exchange anecdotes, even historical facts around certain
Keywords : Retrogaming, Innovation, Video game
(Broacasting our studies)
Presentation of the CEPAJe model (Context, Teacher, Pedagogy, Learner, Game) Find out more about the CEPAJe model: * CEPAJe grid with suggested questions: * Article on the CEPAJe model (2017): * Design of serious game devices and experiments (open-access PDF): (Chapter 10). * Apprendre avec les Serious Games? (ebook from éditions