IDATE is pleased to offer for free the Serious Games study published in 2012.This is the 3rd edition that succeeds those of 2010 and 2008. This third edition analyzes the different segments of the Serious Gaming market based on detailed case studies and a systematic presentation of technologies, uses and professions, particularly analyzing the key stages of design, development and diffusion. It also presents the technological and business prospects for each market segme
Keywords : Study, Market, Education, Training, Health, Defence, Evolution, Serious Game
Abstract—Serious games are developed with the purpose of bestowing a benefit on the user. That benefit could be related to the user’s health, education, safety or efficiency. We propose that the mechanism that the game employs to achieve such a benefit should be identified as the key to the development of a successful serious game. We introduce a paradigm for the design and development of serious games as benefit delivery systems. We suggest that the paradigm can apply to all applica
Keywords : Serious game, Health, Health game, Healthcare
AbstractThe evolving technologies of the game engines and the Web have reached a level of maturity that enables them to contribute significantly to the long-celebrated blending of culture and education with gaming. In this work, we present DynaMus, an innovative fully dynamic Web-based virtual museum framework that relies entirely on users’ creativity and on the exploitation of the rich content in distributed Web resources. DynaMus is able to connect to popular repositories, such as Europe
Keywords : Dynamic, Virtual museum, Virtual exhibition, Game-based learning, Distributed data, Cultural resources
Abstract The continuous development of web services and computer infrastructures complemented by the increasing availability of game development software engines, contribute to an on-going expansion in the release of serious games (SG) in diverse areas, ranging from entertainment, cultural heritage (CH), education, artificial intelligence (AI), sociology, military to health systems [1]. In this sense SGs can be thought of as bridging culture and education with gaming. By utilizing contempor
Keywords : Cultural heritage, Serious game
Creation of better template models of strategic planning and leadership control aided by business simulation games based on real-life case studies and analysis tools Abstract The business simulation games, which expose the players/managers to a huge range of learning objectives, on many occasions fail to provide a template model which can govern the desirable actions that are not always effectively linked to the repetitive cycles of arriving at decisions or confronting a result i
Keywords : Business simulation games, Heptalysis, CATWOE, VPEC-T, SCRS, MoSCoW
ABSTRACT Digital game-based learning has traditionally been examined from an ‘artefact-centric’ perspective that focuses on understanding how game design and principles of learning are, or can be, intertwined. These types of examinations have resulted in many descriptions of games’ educational potential, which has subsequently led to many types of arguments for why games should be used more extensively in formal education. However, comparatively little research has been do
Keywords : Digital game-based learning, Serious game
Our research into the enterprise gamification domain was designed to investigate the different objectives, purposes, target audiences, game design patterns and technology used in gamified implementations. We found that a formal classification system was not only absent, but that it was essential to provide a baseline for developing and comparing gamification design strategies. To this purpose we identified 304 publicly available case studies of organizations that self-identified as having undert
Keywords : Taxonomy, Gamification, Enterprise systems, Classification, Design, Information systems, Strategic management, Serious games
ABSTRACT Examining the progressive and optimistic rhetoric about serious games in healthcare as a starting point, this thesis analyses the rhetoric of progress in medical media instruments and applications as recurring discursive building blocks in media history. It argues that the narrative of serious games history - a rhetoric that operates from within fixed values and beliefs about technological innovation - is part of a longstanding tradition in medical media history that shares particu
Keywords : Serious games, Healthcare, Rhetoric of progress, Media archaeology, Material discourse analysis, x-ray, Microscope
Special session about serious gaming during the 6th Global Conference: Video Games Culture Project, from Thursday, 17th July to Saturday, 19th July 2014, Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom. Key words: serious games, serious gaming, education, projects with students, level design, case studies SimCity in geography lessons, Civilisation V for non-violence education, Read Dead Redemption as a means of addressing the history of the Far West… These
Keywords : Call for papers, Serious Gaming, Serious Game, education, projects with students, level design, case studies, Modding
CALL FOR PAPERS for a Special Issue of the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL) on Learning Analytics in Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments and CoursesThere has been much interest of late in ‘big data’ and the role it can play in decision making in diverse areas of business, science and entertainment. By employing a combination of modern artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistics techniques, extremely large and complex data sets can be &lsquo
Keywords : call for papers, journal