Abstract— While the serious game concept has considerably evolved in the last two decades, it still needs to be clearly differentiated from other types of artifacts. Thus, there is a degree of confusion about the relationship between serious games and other related applications such as simulators or the re-purposing of entertainment games within educational practices for most outside the domain. This article proposes a formal approach toward classifying Games, Toys, Serious Games, Serious
Keywords : Formal definition, Health, Health Game, Serious Game, Serious Modding, Serious Re-purposing, Serious Toy, Simulator
In this paper, we propose an environment to support collaborative modding, as a new way to learn a subject. Modding can be defined as the activity to modify an existing game with dedicated tools. In a constructivist approach, we base our work on the assumption that modding a learning game can help learners to acquire the concepts of the subject concerned. We also think that modding in collaborative settings can help learners both to learn the subject and to learn to collaborate. We first propose
Keywords : Modding, Game development kits, Learning game 2.0, Collaborative learning
Les outils de modding créés depuis quelques années permettent aux joueurs de modifier leurs jeux vidéo de plus en plus facilement. On observe que les personnes qui ont modifié un jeu acquièrent à cette occasion des connaissances sur son fonctionnement et ses contenus. L'idée que nous développons ici est l'application de ce principe aux learning games, pour faire du jeu 2.0 un moyen d'appropriation des connaissances accessible à
Keywords : Apprentissage collaboratif, Learning game, Modding
This paper, of a hypothetico-deductive nature, proposes first to provide a state of the art of games hijacked for educational and health purposes, then to define the concepts of Serious Diverting and Serious Modding to introduce a typology of games hijacked for utilitarian purposes. Once we've covered these elements, we'll examine the appropriation of these diverted games by players in the world of education and health. The idea is to identify common and specific elements for each ecosystem invo
Keywords : Serious game, Video game, Serious gaming, Health, Education, Appropriation, Health game, Edugame
In this article, we describe a pedagogical experiment aimed at understanding the motivation drivers for the involvement of game design students in the development of serious game projects. This experiment was developed as a case study for the assessment of specific measures and hypotheses towards involving students in the design of a themed serious game (non-violence). Website of ECGBL 2016 ECGBL Program Read Paper
Keywords : Serious game, Serious Gaming, Serious Diverting, Serious Modding, Learning, Game design, Non-Violence, Video game
En 2002, l’armée US propose America’s Army, un Serious Game qui correspondrait aujourd’hui à un “Call of Duty" ou “Battlefield”. Sauf que… America’s Army est diffusé gratuitement sur Internet, et téléchargé sans surprise par plusieurs millions de joueurs dans le monde !
Keywords : Serious game, Serious Gaming, Serious Diverting, Serious Modding, Level design, Game design
This paper is part of an overall approach aimed at assessing what kind of support, and in what proportions, a trainer might need when using games as mediation. To do this, we believe we need to start by establishing an initial model for evaluating the initial teaching or training situation using play as mediation. To develop such a model, we have chosen to enrich an existing grid, developed in 2006 by Sara de Freitas and Martin Oliver. This co-construction is based on a hypothetico-deductive app
Keywords : Serious game, Evaluation, Model, Serious gaming, Edugame, Activity, Learning, Game Based Learning
In French-speaking research, the expression ‘serious gaming’ is used in English in order to refer to the practice of diverting videogames aimed at three new, functional purposes: the diffusion of message(s), training and data collection. ‘Serious games’ are thus distinguished from ‘serious gaming’: while the end result may appear similar (combining games with educational purposes), serious gaming applies new functions a posteriori. To highlig
Keywords : Serious Gaming, Serious Game, Serious Modding, Serious Diverting
The aim of this presentation is to explain the concept of Serious Gaming and its two sub-categories: serious diverting and serious modding. Concrete examples will illustrate the different approaches. Watch video GameDev Days 2015 Program: http://gamedev.ee/REGISTRATION AND COFFEE09:00 - 10:0009:15 - 10:00VLADIMIR FUNTIKOV (CREATIVE MOBILE)Opening speech10:00 - 10:30 KATRIN SAKS (BALTIC FILM AND MEDIA SCHOOL)Opening speech10:00 - 10:1510:15 LISSA HOLLOWAY-ATTAWAY (
Keywords : Serious Gaming, Serious Game, Serious Diverting, Serious Modding
Digital technology users are growingly involved in what has been described as convergence culture or participatory cultures. In this context, a major role is played by user-generated content. This article focuses on the participatory practices related to Little Big Planet (LBP) 1, a PlayStation platform video game that encourages users to create and share their own gaming levels. Our theoretical framework refers both to convergence culture and to a specific perspective of game studies that focus
Keywords : User-generated video gaming, Participatory cultures, PlayStation Network, Little Big Planet