ISSN-L (papier) : 1622-1494 · ISSN (électronique) : 2111-434XArticle pp.213-248 du Vol.17 n°1-2 (2021) TitleEvolution and influences of the key-words “gameplay”, “ludic” and “fun” in the writings produced by English-speaking and French-speaking journalist’s communities related to video games between 1977 and 2019 AbstractThis paper aims to study whether the community of English-speaking journalist
Abstract— Players’ gameplay action-decision data can be used towards profiling as serious games analytics. The insights gained can help support the decisions for performance improvement and as ‘prescriptions’ for training – e.g., diagnosing who should receive training, how much training will be given, informing the design of the game, and determining the contents for inclusion and exclusion. Data-driven training prescription can help learning organizations save mone
Keywords : Serious Games Analytics, Similarity measures, Performance improvement, Reducing training cost, Training prescription
In this article, we describe a pedagogical experiment aimed at understanding the motivation drivers for the involvement of game design students in the development of serious game projects. This experiment was developed as a case study for the assessment of specific measures and hypotheses towards involving students in the design of a themed serious game (non-violence). Website of ECGBL 2016 ECGBL Program Read Paper
Keywords : Serious game, Serious Gaming, Serious Diverting, Serious Modding, Learning, Game design, Non-Violence, Video game
Development of a game in the form of software for game-based learning poses significant technical challenges for educators, researchers, game designers, and software engineers. The game development consists of a set of complex processes requiring multi-faceted knowledge in multiple disciplines such as digital graphic design, education, gaming, instructional design, modeling and simulation, psychology, software engineering, visual arts, and the learning subject area. Planning and managing such a
Keywords : Digital game development, Educational game development, Game development life cycle, Game development methodology, Game development processes, Game development workflows, Game software quality evaluation, Game-based learning
Serious games (SG) are computer-and video games with a primary focus other than entertainment. This is, they are made to educate, teach, inform and promote ideas. The current research focused on SGs' success factors and their emergence in SGs published in Finland in 2015. The research approach was qualitative and the research method was theory-based content analysis. First, the concepts of SG, SG design methodology and learning were discussed based on existing knowledge. Success factor related k
Keywords : Serious game, Success factor, Gaming experience, Content implementation, Implementation process, Analysis framework
AbstractIn 2010 the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull paralyzed a large part of the European air traffic. Results were massive restrictions in the European and intercontinental air traffic. Even after canceling the aircraft grounding, airport operators, airlines, air traffic controllers, and ground handlers had to deal with the situation that the aircraft and crews were not in the places where they should have been for the correct execution of the flight plan. To
Keywords : Air traffic management, Decision-making, Serious games
AbstractThis paper focuses on the analysis of serious games. We analysed and evaluated serious games, and particularly their training aspect, based on the classification method of Djaouti et al. (2011b). Further, we evaluated existing training games and based on the results developed a civil defence training game for Korea. The game has been designed to train professional civil defence personnel based on pedagogical features of serious games for training. This research can serve as the groundwor
Keywords : Serious games, Pedagogical features, Civil defence training, Training games, Game-based training, Safety education
Background: Several studies have highlighted the implications of impulsivity and novelty seeking for both the maintenance and the process of recovery from bulimia nervosa (BN). Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the treatment of choice for BN, but for some cases, this treatment alone might not be sufficient for reducing the high levels of impulsivity. The paper presents a case report of a patient with BN, examining the effectiveness of using a videogame (VG; Playmancer) as an additional
Keywords : eating disorders, bulimia nervosa, impulsivity, serious game, A-B-A-C-A design
The main goal of any educational institution is to form students as best as possible. To achieve it, traditional teaching models should be open to new learning experiences using emergent technologies such as video games, which offer a more attractive alternative to the student and a great capacity for interaction with knowledge. Studies based on this kind of initiatives show favorable results in terms of motivation and cognitive development. However, it is not&nb
Keywords : Serious games, Educational innovation, Video games-based learning
Abstract“Serious Games” is a unique industry that is concerned with the training/learning performance assessment of its clients. It is one of three digital technology industries (along with digital games, and online learning) that are rapidly advancing into the arena of analytics. The analytics from these industries all came from the tracing of user-generated data as they interacted with the systems, but differed from one another in the primary purposes for such analytics. For exampl
Keywords : Serious games analytics, Game analytics, Learning analytics, Definition, Theoretical foundation, Human performance assessment