Video games are becoming an increasingly important part of children’s daily leisure activities. Their use as an educational tool seems to be a good way to combat the decline in motivation and the loss of meaning in learning that has been observed among students. The constructionist approach proposed by Papert aims to explore the creation of video games by learners. Several studies have shown that it is associated with the development of computational thinking. However, a recent meta-analys
Keywords : Serious Game, Game design, Constructionism, Computational Thinking, 21st century skills, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment
In the context of serious games, this chapter asks whether it is possible, in a formal situation, to superimpose utilitarian and game objectives while preserving both parties. We hypothesize that the answer to this research question is affirmative. To verify this, we are studying it from two angles: that of the artifact (Serious Game) and that of the activity (edutainment session). In our attempt to test our hypothesis, using an edutainment session based on a video game, we have identified a rec
Keywords : Edutainement, Serious games, Serious Gaming, Instrumentalization, Video games, Mediation, Learning, Ludopedagogy
In the context of serious games, this chapter asks whether it is possible, in a formal situation, to superimpose utilitarian and game objectives while preserving both parties. We hypothesize that the answer to this research question is affirmative. To verify this, we are studying it from two angles: that of the artifact (Serious Game) and that of the activity (edutainment session). In our attempt to test our hypothesis, using an edutainment session based on a video game, we have identified a rec
Keywords : Edutainement, Serious games, Serious Gaming, Instrumentalization, Video games, Mediation, Learning, Ludopedagogy
Interview with Julian Alvarez, PhD in Information and Communication Sciences, specializing in Ludopedagogy, Serious Game & Gamification at Immersive Factory and the University of Lille. Communities and companies committed to the PNNS charter, and more broadly, structures that work in the field of prevention in health nutrition, implement health education actions with different audiences. By definition, a serious game is a mix between serious content and a fun scenario. It can be a learn
Keywords : Serious game, Health, Health game, Gamification, Nutrition
Podcast: "Are you thinking of using video games in your university teaching? You may not realize that video games can be a useful learning tool. In this fourth episode, we welcome Julian Alvarez, a teacher-researcher in Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Lille, who answers the common misconception that “video games have no place in the classroom”. A pioneer in research into the link between games and learning, he shares with us examples of how video game
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Serious game, Education, Ethics
The aim of this conference is to present different strategies for using play as an instrument in edutainment sessions. At the same time, the limits and counter-effects of such approaches are outlined. Finally, an evaluative model is presented to highlight the different dimensions to be taken into account when designing and running an edutainment session.
Keywords : Serious game, Mediation, Ethics, Ludopedagogy, Evaluation, CEPAJe, Gamification, Colectyng
Edutainment, or the art of integrating game mechanisms into learning, is proving an increasingly popular approach within companies. Motivating learners, engaging them and even improving memorization - the benefits of games are well established. However, behind its many advantages also lie challenges and ethical issues. Julian Alvarez, PhD in information and communication sciences - specializing in edutainment, serious games and gamification - addresses these issues in his latest book, “Ser
Keywords : Softskills, Serious games, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment
The aim of this chapter is to present a range of terms and concepts: “Ludopedagogy”, “Serious Game”, “Gamification”, “Ludification”, “Ludicisation”, “Serious Toy”, “Serious Gaming”, “Degamification” and “Toyification”. They are all related to “ludopedagogy”. To contextualize what we're saying, we'll use an artifact - a sponge - as a support. The aim of this approach is to show
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Serious game, Gamification, Serious Gaming, ,Gamification
The talk “Instrumentalizing video games: precautions to take and pitfalls to avoid” addressed the effects and counter-effects of using video games for utilitarian purposes, particularly in the workplace and in education. For example, playing with gamers can bring a pedagogical dimension, but poorly orchestrated use can lead to frustration and a potential rejection of the intended learning by participants. This talk is based on the book “Serious Game, "un carcan ludique&quo
Keywords : Instrumentalization, Video games, Ethics, Ludopedagogy, Effects, Counter-effects, Serious gaming, Serious game
What are the professions using games? What are the key skills to develop to move into these professions? And what training systems exist to acquire the methodology and develop good practices to move towards these key skills? This round table will allow us to address all of these themes.
Keywords : Training, Ludopedagogy, Game, Best practices, Serious game