The aim of this chapter is to determine whether the Serious Game is a human invention. To answer this question, we propose to check whether both Serious Game and Serious Play can be found in the animal kingdom. If such a census proves negative, then we can conclude that the Serious Game could indeed correspond to a human invention. If this were not the case, then Serious Play would be better regarded as inter-species activities. This would then lead us to study whether it is possible to identify
Keywords : Serious Game, Serious Play, Social Play, Play object, Solo Play, Animal behavior, Invention, Innovation
This chapter presents two socio-technical systems that combine the use of serious games, especially digital ones, with design thinking. The aim of this approach is to test whether such a combination is possible. To this end, we conduct a comparative study of two serious games in which we were involved. Through a reflexive approach and by mobilizing surveys and field studies, the approach is not only feasible, but also allows for a good complementarity between game phases and design thinking. How
Keywords : Serious games, Serious Play, Design Thinking, Edutainment, Video games, Activities, Game Design
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Suzon Beaussant, Julian Alvarez and David Pernot shed light on the use of games in a professional setting. In an interactive setting led by Thomas Quentin, game facilitator, a battle is proposed on 2 themes chosen by the participants on the Klaxoon tool. Link to the video: 00:00 Introduction 05:14 Questions for debate 10:05 Instructions for the battles 12:47 Battle 1 “In what situations should play be used in a professional context? 39:37 Battl
Keywords : Serious game, Work, Professional framework, Game, Play
PRE-PROGRAMME9H30 OuvertureINTRODUCTION : par Florent Laroche, Vice-Président Formation continue, Nantes Université9H40 Lancement officiel de NEXUS – projet Lauréat DEFFINUM : quels enjeux éducatifs pour l’ESR et la formation dans les territoires ?Annonce du projet NEXUS, lauréat de l'appel à projet national DEFFINUM par Nicolas Dupain - France Immersive Learning, Julien Casarin, Head of XR INETUM, Nantes Université et leurs parte
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Mediation, Interpretative gaps, Serious game
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P0627THE PERIODIC TABLE FOR VIDEO GAME ANALYZISCHEMISTRY AND EDUCATION2. Tools in chemistry educationJ. Alvarez 1.,*Recherche Dept. / Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - Devisu - Lille (France)*Corresponding author(s).Email: (J.Alvarez)Abstract This communication aims to present a formal deconstruction of video games in the form of various elementary elements called "Gameplay Bricks". To understand these elements and stu
Keywords : Atomic Approach, Gameplay, Taxinomy, Formalism, Periodic Table
This talk presents some ways in which retrogaming - the use of old video games or electronic games - can be used to understand the commercial failures of certain devices when they were first brought to market, or to reverse-engineer them. The idea is to draw lessons for the current development of innovative products in the field of games and serious gaming, to avoid repeating similar pitfalls or to find sources of inspiration. The conference concludes with a presentation of the concept of neo-re
Keywords : Serious game, Neo-retrogaming, Retrogaming, Video game, Model, Engineering, Reverse engineering, Electronic games
Retrogaming can refer to both video games as devices (cartridges, devices, etc.) which are more than 10 years old, and the activity which consists of playing with them. Retrogaming thus brings together enthusiasts, nostalgic people, collectors, computer scientists, artists, journalists, YouTubers, teachers, researchers, etc. These different actors often meet in communities, associations, events dedicated to retrogaming to play, but also to exchange anecdotes, even historical facts around certain
Keywords : Retrogaming, Innovation, Video game
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