Interview with Julian Alvarez, PhD in Information and Communication Sciences, specializing in Ludopedagogy, Serious Game & Gamification at Immersive Factory and the University of Lille. Communities and companies committed to the PNNS charter, and more broadly, structures that work in the field of prevention in health nutrition, implement health education actions with different audiences. By definition, a serious game is a mix between serious content and a fun scenario. It can be a learn
Keywords : Serious game, Health, Health game, Gamification, Nutrition
Podcast: "Are you thinking of using video games in your university teaching? You may not realize that video games can be a useful learning tool. In this fourth episode, we welcome Julian Alvarez, a teacher-researcher in Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Lille, who answers the common misconception that “video games have no place in the classroom”. A pioneer in research into the link between games and learning, he shares with us examples of how video game
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Serious game, Education, Ethics
Edutainment, or the art of integrating game mechanisms into learning, is proving an increasingly popular approach within companies. Motivating learners, engaging them and even improving memorization - the benefits of games are well established. However, behind its many advantages also lie challenges and ethical issues. Julian Alvarez, PhD in information and communication sciences - specializing in edutainment, serious games and gamification - addresses these issues in his latest book, “Ser
Keywords : Softskills, Serious games, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment
Julian Alvarez, PhD in information and communication sciences and associate professor at Lille, took a look at the pedagogical approach to digital serious games and their evaluation in the healthcare sector.Using a digital serious game as a starting point, he reviewed the notions of context, objectives, interest and evaluation.He went on to present “serious play design”, with its notions of means, ends and motivational levers.
When we think of play, we first think of a childish activity whose sole purpose is to entertain. But the proof is in the pudding: adults play! Whether it's trading cards or video games, gaming isn't just for kids! In fact, it's even become serious. In this episode, Julian Alvarez, a doctor in information and communication sciences specializing in Serious Games and Gamification dedicated to education, health and communication, explains what a Serious Game is, and the educational issue
Keywords : Serious game, Game, Play, Toy, Children, Video game, Board games
What is the aim of using games at work? How far can we go with this approach? Does it work? What are the ethical issues involved in using games in the workplace? In this seminar, we'll be tackling these questions with Julian Alvarez, a teacher-researcher in Information and Communication Sciences specializing in edutainment. Link to video
Keywords : Ethics, Security, HSE, Serious game
PRE-PROGRAMME9H30 OuvertureINTRODUCTION : par Florent Laroche, Vice-Président Formation continue, Nantes Université9H40 Lancement officiel de NEXUS – projet Lauréat DEFFINUM : quels enjeux éducatifs pour l’ESR et la formation dans les territoires ?Annonce du projet NEXUS, lauréat de l'appel à projet national DEFFINUM par Nicolas Dupain - France Immersive Learning, Julien Casarin, Head of XR INETUM, Nantes Université et leurs parte
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Mediation, Interpretative gaps, Serious game
This introductory keynote aimed to explain the definitions related to VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality) and XR (Mixed Reality) and then to discuss different approaches to try to immerse a person in a virtual environment. VIdéo link
Round-table discussion on the place of games in schools and libraries. As part of this cross-fertilization between teachers, librarians, librarians and researchers, the idea was to examine the benefits and constraints of using and lending games in the school environment. Board games and video games were associated with these questions.
Keywords : Board game, Serious Game, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Documentation, Library, School, Documentation and information center
Vol 6 - Issue 1 By proposing to study both the genesis and the actuality, but also the implementation and the reception of digital games in the educational worlds, this thematic file aims at enriching the reflection in two fields of research, that of the "educations to" and that of a digital (or informational) culture. See the special issue:
Keywords : Serious games, Video games, Ludopedagogy, Game based learning