The aim of this presentation is to explain the social constructs and subjective perceptions associated with games. This necessarily leads to limitations in classifying games, whether at artifact or player level. In this way, we can understand why classification by Gameplay Brick (artifacts) or via the ESAR system (players) are unable to categorize games. To demonstrate this, an activity was proposed during the conference: ask participants to play games and come up with skills that could be assoc
Keywords : Game, Play, Taxinomy, Evaluation, Classification, Subjectivity, Social construct, ESAR
The aim of this conference is to present different strategies for using play as an instrument in edutainment sessions. At the same time, the limits and counter-effects of such approaches are outlined. Finally, an evaluative model is presented to highlight the different dimensions to be taken into account when designing and running an edutainment session.
Keywords : Serious game, Mediation, Ethics, Ludopedagogy, Evaluation, CEPAJe, Gamification, Colectyng
Julian Alvarez, PhD in information and communication sciences and associate professor at Lille, took a look at the pedagogical approach to digital serious games and their evaluation in the healthcare sector.Using a digital serious game as a starting point, he reviewed the notions of context, objectives, interest and evaluation.He went on to present “serious play design”, with its notions of means, ends and motivational levers.
This chapter describes the CEPAJe model, which is used to design and evaluate an edutainment sequence. In concrete terms, it presents the CEPAJe model, and illustrates with examples of the use of serious games how it can be used to prepare, upstream, an educational sequence. How it can be used to prepare an edutainment session upstream, and then to evaluate the session downstream, so that the activity can be the activity for the next time.
Keywords : Serious game, Play based learning, Evaluation, CEPAJe
Web conference designed to introduce participants to edutainment. The conference reviews the concepts of serious games, interpretive gaps, edutainment sequences and evaluative models.
Keywords : Interpretive gaps, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Serious game, Evaluation, CEPAJe, Colectyng, Model
The aim of this interactive conference is to enable participants to experience a video game-based edutainment session, and then to understand the concepts and theoretical approaches involved. This approach will provide an opportunity to discuss the notions of serious games, interpretive gaps, PPP Grid, the structuring of an edutainment session and the CEPAJe model.
Keywords : Serious game, Colectyng, CEPAJe, Evaluation, Model, Video game, Ludopedagogy, PPP Grid
The main objective of this study is to assess the reliability of the Blue Bot experiment by statistical means. This experiment was carried out in 2017 in France and was based on the reported performances of 230 pupils in 28 Year-1 1 classes for coding, decoding and programming. 35 teachers were involved in the Blue Bot project. This study aims at replying the following issue: Out of the various available modalities (body, robot and tablet), what types of performances were identified when five-ye
Keywords : Robot-based pedagogy, Coding / decoding, Modalities, Comparative study, Programming design, Evaluation research, Serious games, Year 1 pupils
Interactive conference designed to question participants on how to build a edutainment session. The process ultimately leads to the co-construction of the Colectyng (CEPAJe) model.
Keywords : Serious game, Ludopedagogy, Evaluation, Design, Edutainment, CEPAJe, Colectyng
(Broacasting our studies)
On February 5, 2020 in Lille, as part of the “Didapro” Francophone computer didactics symposium, a workshop entitled “MOTIF..MOTIF..MOTIF.. is to repeat MOTIF... 3 times” was proposed. ( The aim of the workshop was to introduce young Cycle 1 pupils (kindergarten and first grade) to computer thinking through two edutainment sessions involving teachers and researchers. The proposed activities were game-based, with the pedagogica
Keywords : Serious game, Edutainment, Ludopedagogy, Evaluation, Debriefing, Education, CEPAJe, Colectyng
The Blue Bot project involved 230 five-year-old pupils of kindergarten in the Nord-Pas de Calais Region (France). The goal was to introduce them to coding, decoding and programming design. A ludopedagogy session was proposed with three main modalities: Body, Robot and Tablet. The statistical results confirmed the reliability of the scientific experiment and highlighted that the two modality combining Robot and Tablet recorded the highest performance scores in a pre- and posttest type evaluation
Keywords : Robot, Pedagogy, Tablet PC, Comparative Study, kindergarten, programming design, Coding, Decoding