
The Game Design Reader - A Rules of Play Anthology Katie Salen, Eric Zimmerman (eds.) - 2006

Studies & Analysis (videogames)

The Game Design Reader - A Rules of Play Anthology

Author(s) : Katie Salen, Eric Zimmerman (eds.)
Editor : MIT Press
Publication date : 01-03-2006
Language : english English

With nearly 1000 pages, this heavy book was baked for you by two of best videogames researchers. I gathers many articles that anyone serious about the study of games must (or at least should) have read. The articles gathers are quite different, ranging from scientific essays about the definition of videogames (Huinzingua, Caillois, Suits, etc.) to players gaming diaries and professional game developers postmortems (Valve Software on how they created Half-Life, Lucasart on their pioneering MMO "Habitat", etc.). A book any videogame researcher should have on its bookshelf!


Keywords : research, game studies, history, definition