An analysis book dedicated to "The Legend of Zelda" game series. This text-only book is divided in two main parts. The first one, which represents about 2/3 of the book pages, begins with a quick presentation of each title in the series (from "The Legend of Zelda" to "The Legend of Zelda : Spirit Tracks"). The story of each episode is detailled in one or two pages, before analyzing the special features of its game design compared to the other episodes. But the most interesting part of the book is the second one, which gathers several analysis of the whole saga. The most remarkable one is the in-depth analysis of the "Ocarina of Time" episode, with a metaphorical and psychological review of its story. Of course, all these theories are solely built by the authors of the book, who didn't confront their ideas with the creators of the games. Still, the analysis are complex and well-built enough to appeal for a lot of thinking from any player fan of the series who will read this book!