
Growing Ties Dr. Ludos, 14-12-2015

You run a tie shop. Patrons want to get custom ties.
Can you cut a tie at the right size for each one of your patrons?

Hold Right Arrow key to grow a tie.
Press Left Arrow key to cut it.
The tie will fall down, and hopefully reach a patron.

(Alternatively, you can use Up Arrow / Down Arrow or Z / X or D / F keys if you prefer)

Be careful to cut right-sized ties! A perfect-sized tie matches the height of the patron’s shirt.
You'll get 10 points for such a perfectly fitting tie, but less points if the tie is too long or too short. Of course, Patrons varies greatly in size and shape!

Cut several perfect ties in a row to get bonus "combo" points.


This game was made for the Ludum Dare 34 Jam (game creation in 72h), under the themes "Growing", "2 buttons control" (and the bonus theme of "It's a tie!").


The game is also freely available for Android over the Play Store


Media References

Keywords : ludum dare, growing, 2 buttons control, it's a tie