
Introduction to the special issue ?Evaluation in serious games? Pierre-André Caron, Sébastien George, Julian Alvarez - 2015


Support : Publications
Author(s) : Pierre-André Caron, Sébastien George, Julian Alvarez
Editor : Revue Sticef, Volume 21, 2014, ISSN : 1764-7223
Date : 2015
Lang : Lang


Since 2002, there has been a growing interest in serious games, thanks to the prospects they promise to offer in terms of prevention, training, education, learning, therapy, communication, training, data collection and more.

Ten years later, in 2012, the first e-virtuoses international scientific symposium dedicated to studying the impact of serious games was held in Valenciennes. Entitled “Evaluating and measuring the impact of serious games”, the colloquium aimed to help sponsors, prescribers, users, designers and researchers understand and appropriate the object (Alvarez and Staccini, 2014). To this end, the approach of the symposium is to select research work aimed at investigating the potential of serious games for training, communication and health within different ecosystems. These include schools, companies, hospitals, etc. The call for papers in this special issue of STICEF is part of this drive to identify research into the evaluation of serious games. However, the notion of evaluation is a very broad concept that can encompass several fields. In the context of this special issue, the aspects selected in the context of evaluation concern in particular :

- the design of models involving learner evaluation,
- analysis of traces and development of indicators,
- pedagogical scripting,
- didactic transposition of activities or reference situations,
- monitoring activities, learning and skills,
- valuing and validating learning outcomes and acquired experience.

Keywords : Serious game, Evaluation