
Serious entertaining and serious modding: concepts and appropriations in the fields of education and health Julian Alvarez - 2016


Support : Publications
Author(s) : Julian Alvarez
Editor : CIRTA 2016 / Université de Sherbrooke / Université de Laval / TELUQ / Université de Montréal / UQAM
Date : 2016
Lang : Lang


This paper, of a hypothetico-deductive nature, proposes first to provide a state of the art of games hijacked for educational and health purposes, then to define the concepts of Serious Diverting and Serious Modding to introduce a typology of games hijacked for utilitarian purposes. Once we've covered these elements, we'll examine the appropriation of these diverted games by players in the world of education and health. The idea is to identify common and specific elements for each ecosystem involved. The aim of this work is to build evaluative models for the design, distribution and use of Serious Games in different ecosystems. 

Keywords : Serious game, Video game, Serious gaming, Health, Education, Appropriation, Health game, Edugame