
LCI, Plein Ecran of january the 31th of 2009: The video game is serious. Cédric Ingrand, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Claude La Rue, Sébastien Beck - 2009


Support : Médias
Author(s) : Cédric Ingrand, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Claude La Rue, Sébastien Beck
Editor : LCI
Date : 2009
Lang : Lang


"This week, it's serious! The Serious Gaming is a new market of the video game industry dedicated to the learning, advertising, political... areas. A world market of 50 billions USD."


Journalist :
Cédric Ingrand
Speakers :
Jean-Claude La Rue (SELL), Sébastien Beck (DAESIGN) et Julian Alvarez (Orange Labs/ Ludoscience).




Keywords : Serious Games, LCI, Plein Ecran, Market, Video games, Serious Gaming