
Communiquer par le jeu vidéo Olivier Rampnoux, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel - 2006


Support : Publications
Author(s) : Olivier Rampnoux, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
Editor : Acte du colloque Ludovia 2006, [CD-ROM], ISBN : 978-2-9527377-0-8, St-Lizier, 5-7 Juillet
Date : 2006
Lang : Lang


That national education, the United Nations and Greenpeace, for example, use video games to convey a message and communicate, reveals that this form of digital leisure constitutes a credible alternative to traditional forms of communication.    Furthermore, if the message includes an educational dimension, in the most global sense of the term, we believe that we are facing a new product in the world of multimedia. In this communication, we propose to take a critical look at one of these products and then try to broaden our thinking.


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Keywords : Serious Game, Advertainment, Edugame, Education, Innovation, Marketing, Réception