
Conference. Serious games, Thursday, at UBO Inconnu - 2014


Support : Médias
Author(s) : Inconnu
Editor : Le Télégramme
Date : 2014
Lang : Lang


Conference. Serious games, Thursday, at UBO
April 05, 2014 at 00:00
The conference “Serious game: games for utilitarian purposes, state of the art and definitions”, organized by students in the Deust TMIC (Deust technicien des médias interactifs et communicants) training program, will take place on Thursday, from 9 am to 12 pm, at UBO, amphi P, building C (continuing education), 20, avenue Le Gorgeu. It will be led by Julian Alvarez, head of the Play research lab, CCI Grand Hainaut, and a lecturer and researcher in educational science at the University of Lille-I. The aim of this conference is to present the concept of serious games, examples of titles, a typology and definitions. As the approach is interactive, participants should bring their smartphone or laptop.

Keywords : Serious Game, History, Definition