
Astonishment report from the Serious game workshop And Round table around the workshop Bernard BONIN, Patrick CHOMPRE, Jean-Christophe GARIEL, Arnaud GROFF, Hélène GOUINGUENET, Yves LEGRAIN ,Michèle MARIN, Laurent TAVIAN, Jean MARCHAL, Hervé MOULINIER, Marie-Hélène VIOLETTE, Christina WINCKLER, Nicolas AURAY, Stéphane NATKIN - 2010


Support : Références Institutionnelles
Author(s) : Bernard BONIN, Patrick CHOMPRE, Jean-Christophe GARIEL, Arnaud GROFF, Hélène GOUINGUENET, Yves LEGRAIN ,Michèle MARIN, Laurent TAVIAN, Jean MARCHAL, Hervé MOULINIER, Marie-Hélène VIOLETTE, Christina WINCKLER, Nicolas AURAY, Stéphane NATKIN
Editor : IHEST Institut des Hautes Études pour la Science et la Technologie
Date : 2010
Lang : Lang


Surprise report from the Serious Game workshop, aimed at understanding this market and studying whether any prospects can be identified.

Keywords : Market, Serious Game, Training, Audit, Outlook