
Methodology for formal analysis of video games Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti - 2008


Support : Conférences
Author(s) : Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
Editor : 11ème Congrès International des Ludothèques, Paris
Date : 2008
Lang : Lang


This presentation was part of the workshop entitled “Deconstructing video games? Ways to build a coherent toy library offer”. Its aim was to show how video games can be deconstructed through formal deconstruction, in the same way as Vladimir Propp did with Russian fairy tales in 1928. The result is a set of gameplay bricks: bricks of results, means and conditions. Based on such elements, the idea is to share with the public whether it would be possible to establish a classification of video games. 

Keywords : Gameplay bricks, Classification, Deconstruction, Formalism, Taxonomy, Video game, Formal system