
CEPAJe, un outil pour évaluer une séance ludopédagogique Julian Alvarez - 2024


Support : Publications
Author(s) : Julian Alvarez
Editor : ANRT
Date : 2024
Lang : Lang


This article describes the CEPAJe model, which is used to design and evaluate
an edutainment sequence. In concrete terms, it presents the CEPAJe model, and illustrates with examples of the use of serious games how it can be used to prepare, upstream, an educational sequence.
how it can be used to prepare an edutainment session in advance.
how it can be used to prepare an edutainment session upstream, and then to evaluate the session downstream, so that the activity can be the activity for the next time.

Keywords : Serious game, Play based learning, Evaluation, CEPAJe