
Representation of female gamers in the French-language video-game press between 1980 and 2019 Julian Alvarez & Thierry Lafouge - 2022


Support : Conférences
Author(s) : Julian Alvarez & Thierry Lafouge
Editor : Colloque « Le genre et la sexualité dans le jeu : jeux de rôles, imaginaires et possibles », Maison interuniversitaire des sciences de l'homme - Alsace (MISHA), STRASBOURG, (FRANCE)
Date : 2022
Lang : Lang


The aim of this paper is to present a lexicometric study identifying, between 1980 and 2019, the number of occurrences of the following 4 keywords: “joueuse”, “joueuses”, “joueur” and “joueurs” that can be identified in the French-language videogame press. In concrete terms, the corpus explored represents a set of 1,075 documents, the main titles of which are shown in Table 1. Statistical processing was carried out to check the validity of the data and highlight the correspondence between the rates of occurrence associated with the various keywords. With these data in hand, the idea is firstly to compare the proportion of use of these different keywords by journalists over time, and secondly to analyze the contexts in which the feminine gender is used. Is it used for purposes of equality or equity, or for other reasons? For example, to evoke the possibility of female avatars for a given video game title? Or evoking videogame titles designed to specifically target a female audience? We'd also like to check whether or not sexist comments aimed at comparing the performance of female and male gamers have been recorded. At the same time, we'll be checking, where possible, whether the authors of the various journalistic articles analyzed are female or male.

By exploring the use of different keywords over time, we hope to determine whether the representation of female gamers in the French-language videogame press between 1982 and 2019 has been subject to stereotypical representations, or whether, on the contrary, egalitarian representations are to be found.

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Keywords : Female player, Male player, Female gamer, Male player, Gender stereotype, Video games press, Representation, Video game