
Evaluation of serious play and serious play design Julian Alvarez - 2020


Support : Publications
Author(s) : Julian Alvarez
Editor : RHIM Vol 20 - N°2 / 2019
Date : 2020
Lang : Lang


Abstract. In the idea of evaluating a Ludopedagogy sequence, it is necessary to have a systematic evaluative model taking into account different parameters: context, learner, useful dimensions, interactions, interactivities... It is in this dynamic that we proposed the CEPAJe model which proposes to cross five dimensions: the context, the teacher, the educational scenario, the learner and the game. In order to illustrate the use of the CEPAJe model, this article proposes to review three concrete examples of serious play activity. These reviews will also allow us to test the model in order to improve it.

Keywords. Evaluation, Serious Game, Serious Play , Serious Gaming, Ludopedagogy, Model, CEPAJe.

Keywords : Evaluation, Serious Game, Serious Play, Serious Gaming, Ludopedagogy, Model, CEPAJe