
BIP Editorial - special issue dedicated to Edutainment Julian Alvarez - 2022


Support : Autres publications
Author(s) : Julian Alvarez
Editor : BIP n°4 / INSPE Lille Nord de France
Date : 2022
Lang : Lang


Edutainment is the idea of using games, or even serious games, to mediate learning. It's about going beyond games as simple rewards or extrinsic motivational levers: “if you do your exercise well, you'll be able to play”. With edutainment, games are used as a tool or resource for learning. For example, it can be used to provide concrete representations of experiences, to test hypotheses, to stimulate pedagogical interaction between learners or with those proposing the activity...

Within the INSPE ecosystem in Hauts-de-France, and more broadly within the University of Lille, we can identify a growing number of teachers, trainers, professors, educationalists and educational engineers who are experimenting with and mobilizing edutainment. These include the development of serious games in the form of board games, escapism games, video games, etc. This utilitarian playful landscape also includes games that have been hijacked or modified to focus on know-how and interpersonal skills. Finally, to help those who would like to try their hand at such an adventure, courses, training courses, conferences and study days dedicated to edutainment and the culture of play are available.

There's no shortage of initiatives! If you are concerned by edutainment, please write to us to share your questions or experiences. We'd be delighted to get to know you and add another chair to the gaming table!


Julian Alvarez

Keywords : Game based learning, Edutainement, Serious game, Editorial, Games