
Preface of the book ?The Gamification Toolbox? Julian Alvarez (pp.6-7 & pp.188-190) - 2021


Support : Autres publications
Author(s) : Julian Alvarez (pp.6-7 & pp.188-190)
Editor : Dunod
Date : 2021
Lang : Lang


These days, we're seeing an increase in references to the culture of games and video games. It's in this context that we find the phenomenon of gamification. But is it aimed exclusively at gaming enthusiasts, or is it open to all? To find out, let's play! The rules are simple: take a look at Camille's day below. Each time you come across the symbols * @ & #, ask yourself if the sentence matches you. If so, count the symbol in question. Early in the morning, the clock radio plays 8-bit music before ejecting a flying propeller. Camille leaps to her feet to catch it and reposition it on the base to turn off the alarm*. Then she starts checking her smartphone for personal, professional and videogame@ notifications: new challenges on PokémonGo and an appointment on League of Legend (LOL) scheduled for the evening*. In the toilets, where posters dedicated to video games line the walls@, Camille consults YouTube videos dealing with video game news@ before washing her hands with Mario@ soap. It's breakfast time; on her way to the kitchen, Camille grabs a box of cereals. An online competition to win a games console is featured on the packaging, so Camille logs on to the dedicated website to try her luck*. The aim? Play Space Invaders Like and get the best score to win. Wrong! Camille then washes her Lara Croft@ bowl and heads to the bathroom for 3 minutes of playful activity with her connected toothbrush. You have to clean your teeth on the right side at the right time to hope to win*. Then Camille heads off to work with her vintage Atari@ bag containing Space Invaders@ licensed notebooks and pens in hand. Passing by the bakery, Camille falls for a box of Pacman@ sweets. The sweets are disgusting, but the metal packaging is a perfect miniature replica of the 1980 arcade terminal that will find a place in her personal collection@. In front of the metro station, Camille discovers that the staircase has been transformed into a giant functional piano. The temptation is great to leave the escalator and play a tune*... 

Keywords : Serious game, Game, Gamification