
Muzeum w XXI wieku. Między rzeczywistością a wirtualnym światem (Museum of the XXI century. Between virtual world and reality) Danuta Smołucha - 2016


Support : Références scientifiques
Author(s) : Danuta Smołucha
Editor : Perspektywy Kultury
Date : 2016
Lang : Lang


The turn of the 20th and 21st centuries was a time of significant social and economical transformations. The progressive 

technologizing of our lives and the development of the information society impacted on the intensive cultural transformations. In the face of this new economic reality and the free‑market intense competition on the field of cultural offers, many institutions had to comprehensively reorganize their activities to meet the needs and expectations of clients. Museums also were affected by these changes and thus subsequently tried to make they offer more attractive to modern man, with his life immersed in the world of new technologies, which appropriated nearly every aspect of his everyday reality. Present activity and organizational policy of museums differ from those of the late 20th century. Similarly to companies that promote their products by executing their marketing plans, museums as well take promotional actions to reach the largest possible group of their potential clients.

References (1):
Alvarez, J. and Michaud, L. (2008) Serious games. Advergaming, edugaming, training and more. Montpellier, France: IDATE 

Keywords : Culture, Technology, Media, Museum