
« Serious games » : apprendre en jouant ? Joanna Pomian - 2009


Support : Références scientifiques
Author(s) : Joanna Pomian
Editor : Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme - 2009/2 (n° 69)
Date : 2009
Lang : Lang


Distance learning technology used at the beginning of 2000s has not gained a wide approval. Recently, the numerous new options rendered possible by NTIC development have not yet been analyzed or interpreted properly and a through indepth study of e-learning is lacking. We distinguish three on-line methods of e-learning. Rapid learning consists on static information publishing which, in best cases, can have knowledge tests or spoken information. To improve this, a training by “scenarios” was imagined. The learning subject is wrapped into a story. The third method is based on video games, it is so called serious game method. The learning by means of a game is supposed to be universal and therefore, accessible to each one. The question of the appropriation of the knowledge through a game is more complex and asks questions which still remain without answer, due to lack of sufficient experience.
References (1):
J. Alvarez, Du jeu vidéo au serious game, Approches culturelle, pragmatique et formelle, Thèse d’Université de Toulouse II et Toulouse III, 2007.