
Der Einsatz von Online Games als Self-Assessment im Recruiting David Sonnberger - 2015


Support : Références scientifiques
Author(s) : David Sonnberger
Editor : BWL - Personal und Organisation Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Institut für Datenverarbeitung in den Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften), GRIN
Date : 2015
Lang : Lang


Executive Summary

In the case of bad hires companies are facing high costs. This is especially true for big and well-known companies, as they are receiving lots of applications every year for diverse positions. Hence, these companies have to establish a process in which they can select suitable applicants in an efficient way. In order to achieve this, employees of the HR-department can use different tools and methods. A relatively new method is the use of gamified self-assessment simulations.

In this thesis the digitally transformed recruitment process is described as well as important key figures for recruitment. Following this, the topic „enterprise gamification“ is studied in detail and relevant terms are defined. Subsequently the phases of the recruitment process where and for which purpose recruitment games can be applied are highlighted. In the course of an qualitative analysis of current self-assessment applications similarities and differences of these methods are elaborated. To be part of the set of analysed applications they had to meet the criteria for availability, conception as a tool for self-assessment and online operability at any time for an individual (i.e. no teams needed). The online games are scrutinized with regard to several aspects: the adressed target group, the way of implementation, the tasks and questions being asked, the display format and the used game design elements.

Distinct results of this research can be found with regard to the size of the enterprises using such self-assessment simulations. All analyzed companies are realizing a turnover of more than 1 billion euros and are employing more than 10.000 employees. Moreover, all self-assessment simulations are adressed to graduates, apprentices, students and trainees. Further results show the different modes of implementation. Some were realized fully in comic-style, whereas others showed real employees in virtual company environments. And another big group of companies used only text- and question-based interaction forms.

References (1):

Vgl. Djaouti, Alvarez, Jessel, & Rampnoux, 2011, S. 36