
Serious Games: A design methodology from concept to end-user Alexis Le Compte, Tim Watson, David Elizondo - 2014


Support : Références scientifiques
Author(s) : Alexis Le Compte, Tim Watson, David Elizondo
Editor : VS-Games 2014 , Msida, Malta , 9-12 Sep 2014
Date : 2014
Lang : Lang




—Since 2002, serious games have received much attention from industry, government and the research community. However, the large number of definitions available still present limitations in terms of contexts and games classification. Indeed, these definitions exclude certain types of games and do not cover certain contexts where serious games could be deployed. Therefore this paper introduces a shift in the interpretation of serious games, allowing a more flexible definition which can address these limitations. This new definition states that games, including serious games, are actually less of a type of game and more of a process. Consequently, it simplifies the classification of serious games and enables researchers to focus on a more comprehensive methodology rather than on game design. What is more, research on serious games appears fragmented, lacking a complete design methodology and showing little attention to the deployment process. A main objective of this paper is to introduce a better structured methodology which provides a complete approach to serious games. To this end, the methodology gathers techniques and benefits of existing methodologies and frameworks for each process described, with a particular emphasis on the deployment process of games in serious contexts. Furthermore, the methodology is especially designed to be flexible so that it can be consistently applied in any context.


References (2):


D. Djaouti, J. Alvarez, J.-P. Jessel, and O. Rampnoux, “Origins of serious games,” in Serious Games and Edutainment Applications, M. Ma, A. Oikonomou, and L. C. Jain, Eds. Springer London, 2011, pp. 25–43. [Online]. Available: 978-1-4471-2161-9\ 3


J. Alvarez, “Serious games: Advergaming, edugaming, training and more,” IDATE, Consulting & Research, Tech. Rep., 2008.