Eric Chahi, a famous video games designer (Out of this World, anyone?), recently took part in the Retro Game Jam, a 32h video game creation competition held during november 2013 in Montpellier (France). In the video below, he discusses his feelings about this experience and presents the various prototypes of his game in order to explain his personal game creation process. A rare and very interesting testimony from a living videogame legend about the recent "Game Jam" phenomena (video in french language):
This video was recorded during a meeting of the Montpellier Unity User Group (MUUG), a videogame designers club gathering once or twice a month in the city of Montpellier (France) to share their experiences. This event is hosted by Guillaume Martin from the SwingSwingSubmarine studio, and offers a place to share and discuss with others indies. If you happen to travel to France in the sunny city of Montpellier, please feel free to join one of our meetings! (dates and location detailed on the MUUG facebook page).