Development of a game in the form of software for game-based learning poses significant technical challenges for educators, researchers, game designers, and software engineers. The game development consists of a set of complex processes requiring multi-faceted knowledge in multiple disciplines such as digital graphic design, education, gaming, instructional design, modeling and simulation, psychology, software engineering, visual arts, and the learning subject area. Planning and managing such a
Mots-clés : Digital game development, Educational game development, Game development life cycle, Game development methodology, Game development processes, Game development workflows, Game software quality evaluation, Game-based learning
AbstractInnovations being achieved with interactive devices (screens, sensors etc.) allow the development of new forms of interaction for many applications. Videogames played with these devices are completely changing how we use them and taking advantage of intuitive interfaces. Based on that, we ask “What aspects of playability are affected using different input devices for a certain gaming task and how is gaming performance affected?”. Our contribution is to present a practical eva
Mots-clés : Emotions in HCI, Entertainment systems, Evaluation methods and techniques, User Experience, Input devices
Dans la recherche francophone, l'expression « serious gaming » est utilisée en anglais pour désigner la pratique du détournement de jeux vidéo visant trois nouvelles finalités fonctionnelles : la diffusion de message(s), la formation et la collecte de données. Les « serious games » se distinguent ainsi du « serious gaming » : si le résultat final peut sembler similaire (combiner des jeux à des fins &eacut
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Serious Modding, Serious Diverting, Serious Gaming
Thèse indonésienne en lien avec l'informatique. Références (1) : Djaouti, Damien, Towards a Classification of Videogames, AISB 2007, Bristol, Scotland, 2007
Thèse indonésienne en lien avec l'informatique. Sejak dahulu kala, proses pengolahan data telah dilakukan oleh manusia. Manusia juga menemukan alat-alat mekanik dan elektronik untuk membantu manusia dalam menghitungan dan pengolahan data supaya bisa mendapatkan hasil lebih cepat. Komputer yang kita temui saat ini adalah suatu evolusi panjang dari penemuan-penemuan manusia sejah dahulu kala berupa alat mekanik maupun elektronik. Saat ini komputer dan piranti pend
Grounded on a perspective in which action is a defining trait in video games, this work proposes the development of an action-oriented framework focused on the analysis of the relationships between the player and the game system centred on the existence of actors, which we define as entities responsible for the actions that affect the game – a category in which the player and the game system are included. We describe the grounding principles of this framework as focused on a transformation
Mots-clés : Action, chronologie, Jeux vidéo, transcodage, Design, Réflexion et action, Transversal, Réactivité
This review examines the literature on Serious Games used as learning tools for people with intellectual disabilities. Although intellectual disabilities are a very broad field where each individual has very specific characteristics, it would be beneficial to have general evidence-based recommendations about how to design videogames adapted to their cognitive requirements. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to identify and review the available literature on Serious Games for intellectual disabil
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Intellectual disabilities, Videogames, Health game
Présentation (Diffusion de nos travaux)
Une vie suffit-elle pour maîtriser des jeux tels que les échecs, le bridge, le tennis, Star Craft ou League of Legends ? Un joueur aguerri pourrait investir la majeure partie de son temps libre sans avoir exploré toutes les stratégies et possibilités de ces systèmes ludiques. Malgré la richesse des jeux classiques, les joueurs se montrent avides de changement et de nouveauté. Relativement peu documentée compte tenu
Mots-clés : Histoire, Jeu vidéo, Jeux, Culture, Briques, Patterns
Daniel Ichbiah, auteur du livre "La Saga des jeux vidéo", premier ouvrage français dédié à l'histoire du jeu vidéo (5 éditions différentes entre 1997 et 2012), est également un conférencier des plus passionnants. En mars 2014, il est venu à l'Université Montpellier III pour donner une conférence sur l'histoire du jeu vidéo, dans laquelle il livre les anecdotes les plus croustillantes de so
Mots-clés : jeu video, histoire, conference, daniel ichbiah
Genre is an important feature for organizing and accessing video games. However, current descriptors of video game genres are unstandardized, undefined, and embedded with multiple information dimensions. This paper describes the development of a more complex and sophisticated scheme consisting of 12 facets and 358 foci for describing and representing video game genre information. Using facet analysis, the authors analyzed existing genre labels from scholarly, commercial, and popular sources, and
Mots-clés : Genre, Jeu vidéo, Média Interactif, Facet analysis