Résumé : The article is dedicated to trending topic on gamifi cation of education. Nowadays video games and game technologies are important parts of modern educational technologies. The aim of the study is to develop mechanism for determining the possibility of using video game mechanics in gamifi cation. The authors described the classifi cation of video games and game mechanics based on literature review of English and Russian authors. The new evaluation method based on the
Mots-clés : Gamification, Education, Genre jeu vidéo, Classification, Mécanique de jeux, Gameplay, Méthode d'évaluation, Etat de Flow
Thèse indonésienne en lien avec l'informatique. Références (1) : Djaouti, Damien et.al., Towards a Classification of Videogames, AISB 2007, Bristol, Scotland, 2007
Thèse indonésienne en lien avec l'informatique. Sejak dahulu kala, proses pengolahan data telah dilakukan oleh manusia. Manusia juga menemukan alat-alat mekanik dan elektronik untuk membantu manusia dalam menghitungan dan pengolahan data supaya bisa mendapatkan hasil lebih cepat. Komputer yang kita temui saat ini adalah suatu evolusi panjang dari penemuan-penemuan manusia sejah dahulu kala berupa alat mekanik maupun elektronik. Saat ini komputer dan piranti pend
Abstract:The video-games market has become an established and ever-growing global industry. The health of the video and computer games industry, together with the variety of genres and technologies available, mean that videogame concepts and programmes are being applied in numerous different disciplines. One of these is the field known as serious games. The main goal of this article is to collect all the relevant articles published during the last decade and create a trend analysis about the use
Mots-clés : Games, Artificial intelligence, Decision making, Market research, Algorithm design and analysis, Decision trees, Industries
Grounded on a perspective in which action is a defining trait in video games, this work proposes the development of an action-oriented framework focused on the analysis of the relationships between the player and the game system centred on the existence of actors, which we define as entities responsible for the actions that affect the game – a category in which the player and the game system are included. We describe the grounding principles of this framework as focused on a transformation
Mots-clés : Action, chronologie, Jeux vidéo, transcodage, Design, Réflexion et action, Transversal, Réactivité
RésuméCette thèse propose des modèles, méthodes et outils destinés aux game designers de jeux thérapeutiques. Le problème de conception le plus fondamental des jeux thérapeutiques est le gameplay, c'est-à-dire des objectifs de jeu et des actions que le joueur doit effectuer pour atteindre ces objectifs. Dans un jeu thérapeutique, le gameplay doit à la fois produire l'effet thérapeutique et motiver le patie
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Gameplay, Health game, Santé, jeux thérapeutiques
This review examines the literature on Serious Games used as learning tools for people with intellectual disabilities. Although intellectual disabilities are a very broad field where each individual has very specific characteristics, it would be beneficial to have general evidence-based recommendations about how to design videogames adapted to their cognitive requirements. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to identify and review the available literature on Serious Games for intellectual disabil
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Intellectual disabilities, Videogames, Health game
The existing common video game genres lack clarity as well as consistency and thus cannot serve as a solid reference to inform the research on digital educational games (DEG), which are increasingly used as learning tools. To address this basic issue of game classification, we have developed a web-based survey to collect data on how people play and perceive video games that they know well. The survey is grounded in our Game Elements-Attributes Model (GEAM). 321 valid responses were analysed usin
Mots-clés : digital educational games (DEG), Jeux numériques éducatifs, Jeux éducatifs, Genre, Jeux vidéo, Apprentissage, Classification, Education
Présentation (Diffusion de nos travaux)
Une vie suffit-elle pour maîtriser des jeux tels que les échecs, le bridge, le tennis, Star Craft ou League of Legends ? Un joueur aguerri pourrait investir la majeure partie de son temps libre sans avoir exploré toutes les stratégies et possibilités de ces systèmes ludiques. Malgré la richesse des jeux classiques, les joueurs se montrent avides de changement et de nouveauté. Relativement peu documentée compte tenu
Mots-clés : Histoire, Jeu vidéo, Jeux, Culture, Briques, Patterns
Abstract:This paper presents the evolving embodiments of “A Virtual Laboratory”, a VR-based videogame simulating an experiment of medical distillation in a medieval alchemy lab. Players are encouraged to acquire the knowledge needed to master the operations to be performed by consulting the digital representation of an ancient treatise on distillation hosted at the Gunnerus Library of Trondheim, The game is part of a larger project called MUBIL aimed at disseminating the knowled
Mots-clés : Serious Games, Library, Virtual Environment, Immersion, Interaction, Learning