Abstract:There has been a constant increase in the number of serious games. In recent years, they have become extremely important within the scientific community and their repercussions on industry have been reflected in exponential growth in terms of their economic impact. The term serious game covers an extremely wide range of video games all with very different purposes and with many different areas of application. One of the most prolific areas is the field of education and many research pap
Mots-clés : Games, Unified modeling language, Proposals, Education, Avatars, Software, Adaptation models
ABSTRACT Serious game provides an instructional tool to make the learning process more enjoyable, easier to memorize and effective. It combines pedagogy goals and game play to increase the participant interest and engagement compared to traditional methods. In this paper, we compare several methodologies of game design relative to our classification proposal; it can assist the analysis and evaluation of serious game design, we illustrate how this classification helps several actors of desig
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Learning, Game design, Comparative Study
R é s u m é Les serious games (SG) sont des applications informatiques visant à combiner des aspects utilitaires avec des ressorts ludiques issus du jeu vidéo. Le développement récent des technologies du numérique dans le domaine de la santé mentale permet d’envisager à ces nouveaux supports, une application dans la prise en charge des pathologies psychiatriques. Nous avons réalisé en mai 2014 une recherche
Mots-clés : Psychiatrie, Jeu vidéo, Psychothérapie, Serious game, Pathologie psychiatrique
Serious games (SG) are computer-and video games with a primary focus other than entertainment. This is, they are made to educate, teach, inform and promote ideas. The current research focused on SGs' success factors and their emergence in SGs published in Finland in 2015. The research approach was qualitative and the research method was theory-based content analysis. First, the concepts of SG, SG design methodology and learning were discussed based on existing knowledge. Success factor related k
Mots-clés : Serious game, Success factor, Gaming experience, Content implementation, Implementation process, Analysis framework
Abstract. This paper presents the findings from a study aimed at understanding whether video games (or serious games) can be effective in enhancing volcanic hazard education and communication. Using the eastern Caribbean island of St. Vincent, we have developed a video game – St. Vincent’s Volcano – for use in existing volcano education and outreach sessions. Its twin aims are to improve residents’ knowledge of potential future eruptive hazards (ash fall, pyroclasti
Mots-clés : Volcan, Serious Game, Jeux vidéo
When is a serious game serious?by Dr. Holger Sprengel, Andrew Pomazanskyi (Nurogames GmbH)The video game industry is doing better than ever before. What we used to think of as “children’s play” not too long ago has now grown into an industry with revenues of $81.5 billion in 2014 (1) which was more than twice that of the international film industry for the year 2013. As such, the number of different types of games has been steadily increasing.One such type of video games
Mots-clés : Serious Game
Résumé : Cette recherche étudie l‘utilisation du jeu vidéo pour l’apprentissage des langues étrangères en classe. L’étude porte sur l’intégration de ce support issu de pratiques informelles au contexte formel de la classe de langue. A la fois ludique et à visée d’apprentissage, le ‘jeu vidéo d’apprentissage’ incarne un oxymore, point de tension entre deux pôles,
Dans la recherche francophone, l'expression « serious gaming » est utilisée en anglais pour désigner la pratique du détournement de jeux vidéo visant trois nouvelles finalités fonctionnelles : la diffusion de message(s), la formation et la collecte de données. Les « serious games » se distinguent ainsi du « serious gaming » : si le résultat final peut sembler similaire (combiner des jeux à des fins &eacut
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Serious Modding, Serious Diverting, Serious Gaming
Abstract After the turn of the century, video games have risen up to the level of the largest mainstream entertainment mediums, now even challenging the movie industry in size. Even though the area occupied by serious games in this market has only just recently really started growing, with serious games still being only a relatively small portion of the video games market, has the idea of using games as tools for education and training been the target of continuous interest for at least the
Mots-clés : Video games, Serious games, Simulations, Simulate, Educational games, Edutainment, Health games, War games
AbstractVideo games have become one of the largest entertainment industries, and their power to capture the attention of players worldwide soon prompted the idea of using games to improve education. However, these educational games, commonly referred to as serious games, face different challenges when brought into the classroom, ranging from pragmatic issues (e.g., a high development cost) to deeper educational issues, including a lack of understanding of how the students interact with the games
Mots-clés : Serious games, Game learning analytics, Learning analytics, Game analytics, Educational standards