Abstract:Gamification is a new form of approach that is being looked into in the world of education. With its game elements that relates to the needs of the current generation of users whose life is entangled in the world of technology. Yet the use of technology is not a one size fits all deal; thus it is important to identify how certain gamification elements influences students. This is vital point that needs to be understood before endeavouring further into the infusion of gamification in edu
Mots-clés : secondary school, student achievement, gamification element, science learning
AbstractThis paper focuses on the analysis of serious games. We analysed and evaluated serious games, and particularly their training aspect, based on the classification method of Djaouti et al. (2011b). Further, we evaluated existing training games and based on the results developed a civil defence training game for Korea. The game has been designed to train professional civil defence personnel based on pedagogical features of serious games for training. This research can serve as the groundwor
Mots-clés : Serious games, Pedagogical features, Civil defence training, Training games, Game-based training, Safety education
Abstract—Serious games are present today in several fields such as education, government, health, defense, industry, civil security and science. In our research we are particularly interested in serious games used in education since they have become an essential part of the learning process and one of the main pedagogical tools used for diffusion of educational messages. So the use of serious games in an educational context can motivate students and stimulate their interest as they fit int
Mots-clés : Assessment Grid, Education, Serious games, SG-LOM
Realizing the significant role that city plays in the development of human civilization, the influence it brings to people’s life in the modern society, as well as its absence in fields other than architecture, urban design, and urban planning, this research aims to study the multimodal metaphorical manifestations of civic imagery in picture books from a cognitive linguistic point of view. Relying on the Visual-Verbal Multimodal Metaphor Identification Procedure (VVMMIP) constructed by us
Mots-clés : Multimodal metaphor, Metonymy, City, Picture books, Visual-Verbal Multimodal Metaphor Identification P, Magic surrealism, Multimodal Metaphorical Scenario Chain Reaction
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to present the phenomenon of gamification and to analyse the benefits connected with the introduction of the education methods and tools based on gamification systems. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The article provides examples of universities in which gamification courses (based on gamification systems) were introduced as part of their teaching programmes. Next, it identifies and analyses benefits resulting from the implementation of this
Mots-clés : Education, Game, Gamification, Initiative
Abstract:The video-games market has become an established and ever-growing global industry. The health of the video and computer games industry, together with the variety of genres and technologies available, mean that videogame concepts and programmes are being applied in numerous different disciplines. One of these is the field known as serious games. The main goal of this article is to collect all the relevant articles published during the last decade and create a trend analysis about the use
Mots-clés : Games, Artificial intelligence, Decision making, Market research, Algorithm design and analysis, Decision trees, Industries
Introduction au numéro spécial « Évaluation dans les jeux sérieux » Editorial Pierre-André CARON (Université Lille 1, CIREL), Sébastien GEORGE (Université du Maine, LIUM), Julian ALVAREZ (Université Lille 1, CIREL) 1. Introduction et contexte du numéro spécialDepuis 2002, les jeux sérieux suscitent un engouement croissant par les
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Jeux Sérieux, Evaluation
Cette présentation s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une démarche globale visant in fine à évaluer quels types d’accompagnements et dans quelles proportions un formateur pourrait avoir besoin lorsqu’il convoque le jeu comme médiation. Pour cela, il convient selon nous de commencer par établir un premier modèle pour évaluer la situation initiale d’enseignement ou de formation utilisant le jeu comme médiation. Pou
Mots-clés : Apprentissage par le jeu, Médiation, Evaluation, Accompagnement, Ludopédagogie
Cette communication s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une démarche globale visant in fine à évaluer quels types d’accompagnements et dans quelles proportions un formateur pourrait avoir besoin lorsqu’il convoque le jeu comme médiation. Pour cela, il convient selon nous de commencer par établir un premier modèle pour évaluer la situation initiale d’enseignement ou de formation utilisant le jeu comme média
Mots-clés : Apprentissage par le jeu, Jeux Sérieux, Médiation, Pédagogie universitaire, Scénario pédagogique, Accompagnement
This review examines the literature on Serious Games used as learning tools for people with intellectual disabilities. Although intellectual disabilities are a very broad field where each individual has very specific characteristics, it would be beneficial to have general evidence-based recommendations about how to design videogames adapted to their cognitive requirements. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to identify and review the available literature on Serious Games for intellectual disabil
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Intellectual disabilities, Videogames, Health game