Abstract: In this article a summary is made of the use of standard electronic game’s methods in e-learning. It shows how game-elements and game-mechanics can be applied in e-learning environments. Different types of Serious games – Game-based learning, Gamification of learning, Organizational-dynamic games, Simulation Games and Edutainment have been discussed. The article introduces the game-based model for learning and 70:20:10 education framework. There are examples for e-Lea
Mots-clés : E-learning, Serious games, Game-based learning, Gamification, Game-based learning model
Rencontre "A l'intersection du jeu et de l'apprentissage" le 25 mai 2016© Droits réservésLe 25 mai 2016, le Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires (CRI) et le Service d’accompagnement aux pédagogies innovantes (Sapiens) de USPC vous invitent à rencontrer et échanger avec Julian Alvarez, Antoine Taly et Alexandre Mignon sur le thème « A l'intersection du jeu et de l'apprentissage ». Programme de la rencontre12h30 &n
Mots-clés : Serious game, Game based learning, Ludopédagogie, Education, Apprentissage
Résumé : L'utilisation d'un jeu sérieux dans un cadre pédagogique est-elle performante ? L'usage de Master F.I.N.D. pour travailler avec les élèves la notion d'identité numérique, leur faire comprendre qu'il faut se protéger et ne pas laisser sur les réseaux sociaux numériques n'importe quelle information est-il plus efficient ? L'enquête quantitative choisie et l'analyse des résultats des questi
Mots-clés : Jeux sérieux, serious game, Réseaux sociaux numériques, Protection, identité numérique
Abstract A Web-Based Serious Game for Joint Training As military systems and processes are becoming increasingly complex and thus more difficult to comprehend, large-scale exercises for NATO Joint Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (JISR) are regularly performed yet are often obstructed by insufficient staff preparedness. To address this concern, this thesis presents the design, prototypal implementation, and evaluation of a modular and web-based serious game called Exercise Tr
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Défense, Militaire, Simulation, Jeu de simulation
AbstractResearch into educational technology has evaluated new computer-based systems as tools for improving students’ academic performance and engagement. Serious games should also be considered as an alternative pedagogical medium for attracting students with different needs and expectations. In this field study, we empirically examined different forms of serious-game use for learning on learning performance and attitudes of eighty 13-year-old students in the first grade of middle school
Mots-clés : Serious Game, student engagement, Learning
The introduction of new technologies into children's daily routines is in many cases associated with negative health impacts. However, technology may also be used to promote healthy practices by way of so-called serious games. Several studies have confirmed that the use of such tools can result in significant health gains, the adoption of healthy eating habits, the practice of an active lifestyle, increased energy expenditure and decreased adiposity. In this context, the authors report a case st
Mots-clés : Obésité (Obesity), Serious Game, Game, Health game, Santé
Background: Serious games are computer or video games that contain elements that are specifically designed for the purpose of education or training. Serious games are increasingly being used within healthcare, but their introduction into and application in psychotherapeutic settings as an e-mental health treatment modality raises questions for both patients and therapists. Current research demonstrates the potential role and effectiveness of serious games within a psychotherapeutic context.
Mots-clés : e-mental health, patients' and therapists' viewpoint, psychotherapy, serious games
Researchers and health professionals have long been curious about the potential of electronic games for purposes beyond entertainment. This topic is of particular importance given the rapid growth of the game industry, whose products are enjoyed by over 1.5 billion people worldwide (EEDAR, 2015), many of them on mobile devices. As the number of smartphone users continues to grow, with conservative estimates projecting a rise from 2 billion worldwide at the end of 2015 to 6.1 billion in 2020 (Eri
The healthcare sector is currently in the verge of a reform and thus, the medical game research provide an interesting area of research. The aim of this study is to explore the critical elements underpinning the emergence of the medical game ecosystem with three sub-objectives: (1) to seek who are the key actors involved in the medical game ecosystem and identify their needs, (2) to scrutinise what types of resources are required in medical game development and what types of relationships are ne
Mots-clés : Medical games, Health games, Health technology, Service ecosystems approach
The main research question addressed in this thesis is how the choice of game type influences the success of digital educational games (DEG), where success is defined as significant knowledge gain in combination with positive player experience. Games differ in type if they differ at least by one game feature. As a first step we identified a comprehensive set of unique game features, summarised in the Game Elements-Attributes Model (GEAM), where elements are the defining components that all game
Mots-clés : digital educational games (DEG), Game Elements-Attributes Model (GEAM), Jeux vidéo, Classification