La France est historiquement un pays de création de jeux vidéo, où le tissu entrepreneurial est dominé par de jeunes et petites structures. Elles continuent souvent de rencontrer des difficultés financières pour investir suffisamment dans le marketing, bien qu'un soutien étatique se développe...
Mots-clés : Jeu vidéo, Serious Game, Recherche, Salon, Paris Games Week, Economie, Studio, Industrie vidéoludique
Serious games have become a motivational engine to get knowledge, skills and fun at the same time. First of all, the player has to feel that he is play-ing a game where the learning is only a consequence of the playing actions and it is essential to use reliable sources of information to design them in order to obtain the desired results. In this paper, we propose the design and development of a serious game as learning tool and generator of interest about Tourette syndrome in a web-based enviro
Mots-clés : Attitudinal change, Computer-based training, Empathy, Entertainment, Game-based learning, Instructional technology
Gamification et jeux sérieux en e-santé 16h10 - 17h05Mme Teresa COLOMBI & M. Julian ALVAREZ / Vidéo en ligne Mme Teresa COLOMBI T. Colombi est née à Milan en 1974. Après un « Laurea » (Bac+5) en Psychologie du Travail et des Organisation, avec Spécialité Ergonomie obtenu à l’université de Turin en 2000, elle arrive en France pour approfondir ses travaux en Oculomé
Mots-clés : e-santé, Gamification, Serious Game, e-health, Santé
There are currently a number of models, frameworks and methodologies for serious games analysis and design that provide useful interpretations of the possibilities and limitations offered by serious games. However, these tools focus mostly on high-level aspects and requirements and do not help understand how such high-level requirements can be concretely satisfied. In this paper, we present a conceptual model, called Activity Theory-based Model of Serious Games (ATMSG), that aims to fill this ga
Mots-clés : Serious games, Educational serious games, Serious games analysis, Serious games design, Activity theory
AbstractOrganizing for idea generation is a recurring challenge in intensive innovation contexts. The literature on ideation has reached a compelling consensus on the features that such organizational devices must possess to support sufficient creativity: learning processes and a creative climate of confidence to promote collaboration. However, current practical methodologies struggle to simultaneously realize these two features. In this paper, we explore the potential of Serious Games, a collab
Depuis maintenant plusieurs décennies, dans le domaine des transports terrestres, les simulateurs de conduite ont vu leur développement et leur utilisation se démocratiser. Ces simulateurs peuvent se décliner sous plusieurs configurations allant des plus complexes comme les simulateurs dynamiques 6-axes équipés d’écran semi cylindrique (1) aux plus simples comme les simulateurs de table équipés d’un seul écran et d
Abstract The technological accompaniment of defence partners it’s a currently crucial issue in Portugal. It is mandatory walking side by side with the technologically most advanced countries in order to accomplish this purpose. The Military Academy, such an excellence school forming Army’s and National Guard’s officers, carry in its shoulders high responsibilities to provide a future commander’s competent formation. Is required to cadets, future commanders, to be pr
Mots-clés : Simulation, Wargames, Tactics, Military Teaching, Military Making-Decision
La compréhension des enjeux de la guerre froide à travers le média du jeu vidéo : Les représentations vidéo-ludiques du totalitarisme et de l’invasion soviétique au service d’un scénario pédagogique Introduction Concilier enseignement de l’Histoire et jeux vidéo, est-ce possible? Oui, mais pas n’importe comment. Notre mémoire s’interroge sur différentes pratiques ens
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Jeu vidéo, Pédagogie, Guerre froide
Our research into the enterprise gamification domain was designed to investigate the different objectives, purposes, target audiences, game design patterns and technology used in gamified implementations. We found that a formal classification system was not only absent, but that it was essential to provide a baseline for developing and comparing gamification design strategies. To this purpose we identified 304 publicly available case studies of organizations that self-identified as having undert
Mots-clés : Taxonomy, Gamification, Enterprise systems, Classification, Design, Information systems, Strategic management, Serious games
We challenge the idea of the paradoxical nature of the concept serious games and ask how researchers and designers need to conceive of serious games so that they at all appear paradoxical. To develop and answer this question, we draw on a theory–method that considers all forms of observation as paradoxical. We then use the tetralemma, a structure from traditional Indian logics, to resolve the paradox of serious games into this larger paradox of observation. Consequently, serious games may