Les outils de modding créés depuis quelques années permettent aux joueurs de modifier leurs jeux vidéo de plus en plus facilement. On observe que les personnes qui ont modifié un jeu acquièrent à cette occasion des connaissances sur son fonctionnement et ses contenus. L'idée que nous développons ici est l'application de ce principe aux learning games, pour faire du jeu 2.0 un moyen d'appropriation des connaissances accessible à
Mots-clés : Apprentissage collaboratif, Learning game, Modding
Data Modeling (DM) is an important area in the Information System (IS) learning. In particular, in the IS analysis phase business analysts need to provide a comprehensive notation to avoid misunderstanding between software engineers and customer. Teaching DM is a challenging task, mainly because it lays great emphasis on theory. It remains often abstract, not consensual and complex to implement in real setting. In order to better motivate learners, this paper aims to assess the integration of Se
Mots-clés : Serious Games, Gamification, Innovation Minitrack, Data modeling learning, INNOV8, IS learning, Teaching DM
Un cours sur les aspects théoriques et pratique du Game Design, pour en découvrir les notions de base avant de se lancer dans la création de jeu (vidéo ou non). Aborde les notions de Fun, de Flow, de Boucle de Gameplay, de règle de jeu, de brique de Gameplay... et vous invite à participer à des Game Jams ! -= Support de cours =- (Format Flash - cliquez dans le coté gauche ou droit de la fenêtre pour faire défiler
Mots-clés : game design, théorie, pratique, gameplay, fun
Abstract— Players’ gameplay action-decision data can be used towards profiling as serious games analytics. The insights gained can help support the decisions for performance improvement and as ‘prescriptions’ for training – e.g., diagnosing who should receive training, how much training will be given, informing the design of the game, and determining the contents for inclusion and exclusion. Data-driven training prescription can help learning organizations save mone
Mots-clés : Serious Games Analytics, Similarity measures, Performance improvement, Reducing training cost, Training prescription
ABSTRACTBackground: The emergence of new technologies in the obstetrical field should lead to the development of learning applications, specifically for obstetrical emergencies. Many childbirth simulations have been recently developed. However, to date none of them have been integrated into a serious game.Objective: Our objective was to design a new type of immersive serious game, using virtual glasses to facilitate the learning of pregnancy and childbirth pathologies. We have elaborat
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Obstetric emergencies, Gynecology
Serious Diverting et Serious Modding : positionnement de Big Players internationaux – J. Alvarez (11h30- 12h30) Cette communication propose un état de l’art des jeux détournés à des fins éducatives et de santé, puis de définir les concepts de Serious Diverting et de Serious Modding pour introduire une typologie de jeux détournés à des fins utilitaires. Ces éléments abordés, nous présente
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Serious Modding, Serious Diverting, Serious Modding, Marché, Jeu vidéo
Abstract:Business processes play a major role in the Information System (IS) domain. Business Process Management (BPM) approaches offer languages, methods and tools for modeling, execution and optimizing business processes. However, these approaches are often difficult to understand by the learners. In particular, the modeling phase often remains abstract, not consensual and complex to implement in real settings. In order ato better motivate BPM learners, several BPM's Serious Games (SG) has bee
Mots-clés : Games, Companies, Training, Information systems, Business process management, Graphics, serious games (computing), business data processing
Découvrir les bases de la ludopédagogie axée sur une approche essentiellement vidéoludique puis analyser à partir de trois applications concrètes les principaux concepts reliés au Serious Games.
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Serious gaming, Gamification, Definition, Concepts
Programme de la 2e journée dédiée au Serious Game : Les serious game, définition et enjeux 1) Qu’est-ce qu’un serious game ? Qu’est-ce que la gamification ? 2) Lien avec l’apprentissage ? Quels objectifs ? Quelles sont les spécificités du serious game (apprentissage alternatif à l’apprentissage traditionnel/accessibilité, ouvert à tous/volontariat) 3) Les typologies et les usages du serious ga
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Jeux Sérieux, Serious Gaming, Serious Modding, Serious Diverting, Bibliothèque, Définition
AbstractA Game Based Learning System (GBLS) constitutes an interesting learning environment. However, many problems are facing the general adoption of learning approaches based on this system. For instance, complexity of GBLS design process and problems of integrating learning outcomes with fun aspects constitute the major challenges. Therefore, novice game designer have not only to acquire specific skills and expertise but also to acquire them in an efficient and active pedagogical manner. For
Mots-clés : GBLS, Gameplay, Automatic knowledge extraction, Ontology learning