Abstract Sign language is the form of communication used by Deaf people, which, in most cases have been learned since childhood. The problem arises when a non-Deaf tries to contact with a Deaf. For example, when nonDeaf parents try to communicate with their Deaf child. In most cases, this situation tends to happen when the parents did not have time to properly learn sign language. This dissertation proposes the teaching of sign language through the usage of serious games. Currently, similar
Mots-clés : Natural User Interface, Sign Language, Serious Game, Kinect Sensor, Image Processing
Abstract —Since 2002, serious games have received much attention from industry, government and the research community. However, the large number of definitions available still present limitations in terms of contexts and games classification. Indeed, these definitions exclude certain types of games and do not cover certain contexts where serious games could be deployed. Therefore this paper introduces a shift in the interpretation of serious games, allowing a more flexible definition
The accelerated progress being made with interactive devices (such as screens, cameras, joysticks and tangible objects) has triggered the develop- ment of new interaction methods for applications (e.g., body language, haptic feedback, etc.). Video games and Serious Games are being played on increa- singly innovative peripherals (e.g., Kinect, Wii Balance Board). These devices have generated new, intuitive forms of Human-Computer Interaction that are completely changing o
Mots-clés : Objets tangibles, Ecrans, Dispositifs, Jeux vidéo, Serious game, Charactérisation
e-virtuoses : serious game, simulation, e-learning et gamification Créée et initiée par la CCI Grand Hainaut et portée par le Play Research Lab, cette manifestation internationale dédiée au Serious game, à ses usages, évaluations et nouvelles tendances, rassemble annuellement plus de 600 acteurs clés : commanditaires publics et privés, studios de développement, chercheurs et universitaires internationaux. Au
Mots-clés : Serious Games, Simulation, e-learning, Jeux vidéo, Santé, Education, Communication
ABSTRACT This thesis addresses the problems of the development of serious games, focusing particularly on bridging the gap between of two separate communities: developers and domain experts, that is, educators. Nowadays, students are used to “consume” a large number of games for different purposes (mainly for leisure), and they are expecting a certain quality level in the games (e.g. media assets, story, effects, etc.) and affecting the attitude of playing the game if it does no
Mots-clés : Educational video games, Serious games, Game design, Human-Computer interaction, Game engine
ABSTRACT This thesis explores the use of serious games from an instructor perspective. More specifically, it aims to study the roles of instructors and how they can be facilitated within an instructor-led game-based training environment. Research within the field of serious games has mostly focused on the learners’ perspective, but little attention has been paid to what the instructors do and what challenges that entails. In this thesis, I argue that serious games, as artefacts used f
Abstract The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether it is possible for a teacher (as a non-game developer) to create educational computer games that could be considered fun‟ to play. The influences of game genre and graphical fidelity on this process are also investigated, along with the practicalities and barriers that constrain the (mainstream) use of computer games within the education system.A literature review was conducted into the motivations for using educational games,
Mots-clés : Educational games, Jeux vidéo
AbstractThe recent shift in healthcare delivery from that of the hospital to the community calls for skilled community health nurses. The role and practice of community health nurses differs from that of a nurse clinician. Unlike the skills required for that of a nurse clinician, much of the skills required for community health nursing and their application cannot be developed and practised within newly developed and highly innovative practice laboratory facilities where the focus of patient car
Mots-clés : Virtual simulation, Serious Game
Genre is an important feature for organizing and accessing video games. However, current descriptors of video game genres are unstandardized, undefined, and embedded with multiple information dimensions. This paper describes the development of a more complex and sophisticated scheme consisting of 12 facets and 358 foci for describing and representing video game genre information. Using facet analysis, the authors analyzed existing genre labels from scholarly, commercial, and popular sources, and
Mots-clés : Genre, Jeu vidéo, Média Interactif, Facet analysis
Serious games are growing rapidly as a gaming industry as well as a field of academic research. There are many surveys in the field of digital serious games; however, most surveys are specific to a particular area such as education or health. So far, there has been little work done to survey digital serious games in general, which is the main goal of this paper. Hence, we discuss relevant work on serious games in different application areas including education, well-being, advertisement, cultura