Peut-on enseigner avec le jeu ?Publié le février 22, 2013 par nbusquetDans notre premier article, nous avons établi un premier aperçu des serious games et avons noté que ces derniers pouvaient être utilisés en complément à la formation traditionnelle. Cette idée de l’enseignement par le jeu est véhiculée par des entreprises comme Itycom, la société productrice
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Apprentissage
=================================================== APPEL A COMMUNICATION SCIENTIFIQUE e-virtuoses 2013 =================================================== Colloque Scientifique International « Jouer à toutes fins utiles ? : appropriations, détournements et rejets » Les 4 et 5 juin 2013 prochains à Valenciennes, dans le cadre de la conférence scientifique « e-virtuoses » dédiée à l'utilisation du jeu (
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Serious Play, Serious Gaming, Gamification, Evaluation, Usages, Organisation, Transformation
Les serious games : une nouvelle façon d'apprendreLes serious games sont particulièrement développés dans le monde de l'éducation, pour les enfants comme pour les adultes. Qu'est-ce qu'un serious game ?Le serious game, selon Wikipédia, est "un logiciel qui combine une intention sérieuse [...] avec des ressorts ludiques". Il s'adresse sans distinction aux enfants et aux adultes et englobe tous les jeux sur écr
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Apprentissage, Classification, Fonctions
Synthèse de la rencontre ADELI du 15 janvier 2013, composée : • d’une conférence interactive présentée par Loïc Tournedouet : Directeur de projets numériques à l’AFPA, s’occupe de médias numériques innovants (Serious Games, WebTv, Réseaux Sociaux) pour l’AFPA, itSMF France et le FFFOD ; • d’immersions dans le monde du jeu sérieux par la présentation de 2 jeux, l’
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Formation
Abstract:Serious games are video games or computer games designed for training or educational purposes. Thanks to the interesting and useful opportunities that they provide such as interactivity, immersion, simulation they become well accepted and well spread among professional and academic fields. However, the selection of the most suitable serious games to a specific educational goal seems to be not well studied in the literature. This paper tries to meet this research gap by developing a new
Mots-clés : Games, Training, Business, Biological system modeling, Educational institutions, Entertainment industry
The field of Digital Humanities is becoming more exciting as the number of low-cost or free mobile and desktop applications flood the market allowing users to accomplish tasks that only a few years ago were either not possible or required complicated coding or high-end ... References (1): Djaouti, D., Alvarez, J., Jessel, J.-P., & Rampnoux, O. (2011). Origins of serious games. In M. Ma, A. Oikonomou & L. C. Jain (Eds.), Serious games and edutainment applications
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Retro Serious game
The development of multiple web applications with features of video games gave way to a new trend called Gamification. However, there isn't a clear explanation that allows the connection of the elements of the game applications with non-game features, mainly in traditional highly regulated financial sector. The aim of this study is to investigate the acceptance of a business application Gamified in e-banking. Based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the results from an online survey of 18
Mots-clés : Gamification, Game
ABSTRACT The recognition of facial expressions is important for the perception of emotions. Understanding emotions is essential in human communication and social interaction. Children with autism have been reported to exhibit deficits in the recognition of affective expressions. With the appropriate intervention, elimination of those deficits can be achieved. Interventions are proposed to start as early as possible. Computer-based programs have been widely used with success to teach people
Mots-clés : Serious Games, Gesture-based interaction, Natural User Interface, Autism, Facial emotion recognition
The recognition of facial expressions is important for the perception of emotions. Understanding emotions is essential in human communication and social interaction. Children with autism have been reported to exhibit deficits in the recognition of affective expressions. Their difficulties in understanding and expressing emotions lead to inappropriate behavior derived from their inability to interact adequately with other people. Those deficits seem to be rather permanent in individuals with auti
In this paper we present a Digital Serious Game set in a medieval alchemical laboratory, aimed at disseminating the ancient knowledge of medicine distillation contained in the famous Adam Lonicer's Kreuterbuch (1569) treatise. The application is based on interactive Virtual Environments and available on multiple visualization technologies, ranging from simple touch-based tablet up to immersive environments such as CAVEs or Oculus Rift. The game comes as the latest development level o
Mots-clés : Libraries Archives, Virtual Environment, Immersion, Interaction, Learning, Digital Serious Games